Anders Tegnell to resign: – I have to think carefully


Tegnell has become world famous during the pandemic. It is controversial and has both fans and critics. Some believe that he has chosen a dangerous strategy. Of others, he is almost a genius.

– I hope it hasn’t changed me, I don’t think so. I don’t intend to be an icon or promote myself at all Tegnell says in a larger interview with Expressen.

“A long and hard journey”

He describes the fight against covid-19 as “a long and hard journey”, but says that Sweden’s strategy has worked and highlights his many colleagues and the support of Swedish society.

But he could soon come to an end as a leading figure in the Swedish health authorities. When asked directly if he wants to retire on his birthday on April 17, he responds:

– I have to think about it. Most of the people in this workplace continue to work, and maybe I will. I take one day at a timen, says Anders Tegnell.

– An expression of my own personal feeling.

He feels partially misunderstood after statements that he believes have been taken out of context, such as when he stated that it was more dangerous to cross the street than the possibility of being infected by covid-19.

– It was not an assessment of what the greatest risk is, but an expression of my own personal feeling. If it is misinterpreted the way it is done here then I can understand it. But I hope I can get to what I really said with this, Tegnel explains to the newspaper.

In Sweden, the number of people who tested positive for corona has exceeded 100,000, while nearly 6,000 have been confirmed dead.

Video: WHO defends Sweden’s crown strategy: – Has put in place a strong health policy
