Anders Tegnell, Sweden – Tegnell criticized


Although Sweden’s death ratio per crown has long been at the top of the Nordic region and the highest in the world, criticism of the strategy has been ignored in the country, which is known for its culture of consensus.

That’s what the researchers tell American Science.

– It was so surreal, says epidemiologist Nele Brusselaers, affiliated with the prestigious Karolinska Institute, to the magazine.

He wonders about harsh personal attacks for simply saying “what researchers say internationally.”


Brusselaers himself was not included in the group known as “the 22,” which on April 14 took a tough stance against the strategy of state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell in the daily Dagens Nyheter.

“If Norway reaches Sweden again in the proportion of the population killed by Covid-19, I will eat my hat”
Dr. Lena Einhorn

On the other hand, it was the allergy professor Jan Lötvall from the University of Gothenburg.

– Madness, says about the reactions they had.

– A colleague wrote me an email to tell me that the article was shameful and that we should be loyal, Lötvall tells Science.

The publication, titled “The Public Health Authority Has Failed, Now Politicians Must Intervene”, was met with fierce criticism.

RECEIVED STRONG SUPPORT: State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has many supporters in Sweden and received strong support when researchers criticized his corona strategy and that of Sweden. Photo: NTB Scanpix / Claudio Bresciani / TT
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According to Svenska Dagbladet, Tegnell himself told the BBC, among other things, that the 22 were not leaders in their field.

“A danger to the country”

Nele Brusselaers, who joined the group when it grew up to become the Science Forum Covid-19, also noted the strong reaction.

She claims that her department head called her a “troublemaker” and “a danger to the country.”

Stockholm: almost doubling the cases of infection

Stockholm: almost doubling the cases of infection

According to Science, the tense situation prompted her to move to her home in Belgium, where she works at the University of Antwerp. However, he has maintained a connection with the Karolinska Institute.

Andrew Ewing, a professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Gothenburg, says at least three others are considering doing the same.

Lung specialist Dorota Szlosowska tells Science and on Twitter that a major reason she was fired from the regional hospital in Sundsvall was that she was wearing a mask.

– You must eat the hat

The Science article, which is mentioned in the newspaper Expressen, among other things, describes the strategy of the Swedish crown as “the Swedish experiment”.

Unlike other European countries, Sweden has kept schools, bars and restaurants open, and has focused mainly on volunteering. Until recently, people without symptoms were not quarantined, according to Science, even though other family members were infected.

State epidemiologist Tegnell remains critical of the use of face masks.

“The countries that use masks are not the ones that do better now,” he tells Science, warning against excessive belief in masks.

On Thursday, Sweden had 5,892 crown deaths, compared with 275 in Norway.

– If Norway reaches Sweden again in the proportion of the population killed by Covid-19, I will eat my hat, says Lena Einhorn to Science. She is a filmmaker with a doctorate in virology, and one of those who wrote during the post in Svenska Dagbladet on April 14.
