Anders Tegnell on Donald Trump Crown Disease: – We don’t know when this is over


In his first official comment after Trump tested positive for COVID-19, Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell states the following:

– This only shows that we must learn to live with the virus. This infection is simply very difficult to avoid, warns Tegnell in an interview with Swedish Expressen.

Read also: Britain’s largest newspaper: – Tegnell is a hero

– May develop differently

However, he doesn’t want to get into the fact that Trump is in a risk group, or how the disease has been shown to especially affect people who are over 70 and overweight.

– No, you cannot comment on it individually. It can develop differently, Tegnell responds.

The US president announced on Twitter Friday that he and his wife Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19. Trump is 74 years old and overweight, which means an increased risk of corona infection. Doctors have previously advised the president to lose weight. He does not smoke or drink alcohol.

Trump in April: Sweden suffers a lot

In the past six months since the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the global alarm about the deadly virus, Trump has repeatedly contacted Swedish health authorities.

– Then we talk about Sweden, but Sweden suffers a lot. Do you know it well? The herd, they call it the herd. But Sweden suffers a lot. There is a way to do it, but they have all followed each other, and so far almost all countries have done what we did, Trump said in early April. He was referring to the high death rate in Sweden at this time.

Anders Tegnell responded to the criticism in an interview with SVT’s “Morning Studio”:

– You must not take it seriously. Of course, it is very difficult in Sweden, especially in the health service, but compared to the situation in New York, it still works very well in Sweden. In Sweden we are going through a difficult and exhausting time, but we still have room for everyone and we still have a lot of capacity in intensive care, Tegnell said.

– The United States could have had two million deaths

Trump also mocked Sweden during a press conference the same month. Right now, the number of corona deaths in the United States was low before it exploded later. Today, more than 210,000 Americans have been confirmed dead.

– If we had done it like Sweden, we could have had two million dead, said a confident Trump.

But at one point, Trump and Sweden’s leading infection control expert agree. They both believe that the use of masks is of limited value.

Trump himself has openly refrained from showing infection control considerations by removing face masks, hosting large public gatherings, continuing to shake hands, and minimizing the risk of infection. But that was before he confirmed himself ill.

(The article continues below the video)

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– I don’t think we can predict when this will end

Anders Tegnell believes that Trump’s illness is a serious reminder that no one escapes.

– This virus will follow us. If you have any vision of getting rid of it completely, then I think it’s hard to imagine. I don’t think we can predict when this will end, except that it won’t happen in the near future. I think it will at least continue until next fall, maybe longer, Tegnell tells Expressen.

The United States is one of the worst affected countries in the world. So far, more than 7.4 million Americans have been diagnosed.

Trump has repeatedly downplayed the risk of the pandemic. No later than the day before his illness was confirmed, he said the United States is on the road to recovery, although the infection continues to spread across much of the United States.

The irony of fate

During the live television debate, which was followed by some 100 million Americans, in addition to viewers around the world, he ridiculed Joe Biden for wearing face masks.

Ironically of fate, there are many indications that Trump may have been infected by his own adviser, Hope Hicks (31), who tested positive for the coronavirus early Thursday.

She went with Trump to an election rally in Duluth, Minnesota, on Wednesday, and also participated in the first presidential debate on Tuesday. Now Biden must also be tested for a possible infection.

If Trump becomes seriously ill, Vice President Mike Pence will temporarily become interim president. In case he is also expelled, according to the Constitution of the United States, the head of the House of Representatives will be acting president.

So it could be one of the fiercest critics of Trump, Nancy Pelosi, who rules the United States if both Trump and Pence are quarantined.

Video: Here, Donald Trump shakes hands with several people after a crown press conference
