– An international joke


Since Joe Biden was declared the winner of the election, President Donald Trump has maintained that the election is rigged. In a Twitter message Monday night, he repeated the message.

No evidence of widespread electoral fraud has been presented, and the United States Cyber ​​Security Agency has hailed the elections, under the auspices of Homeland Security, as the safest in the country’s history.

This agency (CISA) was responsible for electoral security, and two years ago Trump himself appointed Republican Chris Krebs as head of the agency.

2018: Chris Krebs during a press conference in 2018. Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

2018: Chris Krebs during a press conference in 2018. Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
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But shortly after Krebs described this year’s election as safe and secure, Trump fired him.

Last night, 40 minutes after the first Twitter message, the president approached the CBS program “60 minutes.”

Perhaps not that strange, since the subject of the show’s interview was Chris Krebs himself.

OCCUPIED: There are many signs that the time leading up to January 20, 2021, when Joe Biden will assume the presidency, will be anything but quiet. Donald Trump is making big changes. Manufactured by Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV.
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– More to give away

– “60 minutes” never asked us for a comment on their ridiculous and one-sided electoral security story, which is an international joke. Trump wrote, who also referred to the show as “fake news.”

Trump further claimed that the election was probably the least secure in the country, referring to technology provider Dominion Voting and mail-in ballots.

Trump has accused Dominion Voting of eliminating millions of votes, a claim that has also abounded online. The company has denied the allegations and called them “completely false.” Trump has also tried to question mail-in votes long before the election.

“You just won the elections”

In his first interview since he was fired by the president, Krebs tells “60 Minutes” that he still maintains the statement that it cost him his job.

– Why are you talking now?

– I am no longer a public servant, but I feel that I still have a little more to give. Once you have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from threats abroad and at home, it is difficult to turn your back on it. And if I can reinforce or confirm to a person that the choice was safe, then I feel like I’ve done my job.

KICK: Chris Krebs shakes hands with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in November 2018. The president dismissed the security summit in early November.  Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

SPARK: Chris Krebs shakes hands with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in November 2018. The president fired the chief of security in early November. Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
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Refers to Georgia

In the interview, Krebs explains that the ballot papers are important. It provides an opportunity to prove that there was no “malicious” algorithm or pirated software adjusting the voices, he says.

As an example, he points to the state of Georgia. The state went to Joe Biden. Then a hand count was done, which confirmed Biden’s victory. The result was that Biden received 12,670 more votes than Trump, and Georgia has formally confirmed that Biden won the state.

“I’m convinced the numbers don’t lie,” Republican Brad Raffensberger, a state election official, said at a news conference.

Can hijack Biden's facility

Can hijack Biden’s facility

– In my opinion, this refutes some of these sensational claims, which I have called nonsense and bluff, that there is some form of piracy of these voting machines and their software and systems throughout the country. It’s … it’s just … it’s silly, says Krebs.

Krebs is also asked what he thought when he saw Rudy Giuliani’s press conference.

SWEAT RUNS: Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sweated so much at the press conference that he overflowed on social media. Video: AP
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Giuliani’s press conference

About a week and a half ago, Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, stepped onto a podium at the Republican National Headquarters and held a lengthy press conference. He reiterated President Trump’s unsubstantiated and baseless accusations that his election was stolen.

Krebs previously described the press conference as “the most dangerous hour and 45 minutes on television in American history.” And possibly the craziest.

– It was outrageous because what I saw was an obvious attempt to undermine confidence in the elections, to confuse people, to scare them. It’s not me, it’s not just CISA. There are tens of thousands of poll workers who have been working non-stop for months. They receive death threats for trying to carry out one of our central democratic institutions; an election. And it was, for me, a press conference that made no sense. What he actively did was undermine democracy. And it’s dangerous, Krebs says now.

- desperately trying to correct the image

– desperately trying to correct the image

Attracted attention

By the way, it wasn’t just Giuliani’s statements themselves that drew attention. About 40 minutes after the press conference, it was no longer the 76-year-old attorney’s claims that were the subject of attention, but rather the Trump attorney’s cheeks.

Because it was at that moment that Giuliani, obviously hot, had to give in to the sweat that until then had been dripping down his face. Then it started to flow.

Black liquid suddenly ran down the 76-year-old man’s cheek that appeared to originate from Trump’s lawyer’s beard.

Read more on the case below:
