Among the worst in Europe


On Monday, updated figures from the European Agency for the Control of Communicable Diseases (ECDC) show that Sweden has registered 698 new cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. Therefore, only six countries are more affected than those on the ECDC list.

At present, only Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary are registered with a greater spread of the infection than Sweden on the ECDC list.

Thus, Sweden is registered with higher infection pressures than Spain and Belgium, which were incredibly affected by the corona pandemic earlier this fall, but both reached the preliminary peak of infection in late October.

At the other extreme are Iceland and Ireland, which have 57.4 and 77.2 new cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, respectively. Norway, for its part, has registered an infection pressure of 111.4.

COVID-19: These are the symptoms of the coronavirus, which since December 2019 has spread from China and around the world. The outbreak is classified as a pandemic. SOURCES: WHO, FHI, NHI and FIXED PHOTO: NTB Scanpix. VIDEO: Switch to Vellene.
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Guldvog on Sweden

Recently, health director Bjørn Guldvog told Dagbladet that Sweden has a different system for dealing with the pandemic than Norway.

– In Sweden, they have a different handling system than ours. To a large extent, advice is given to the population and less legal measures. And we also see that Sweden during the fall has had a greater spread of the infection than the other Nordic countries, Guldvog told Dagbladet and continued:

– I think that in Norway we have benefited from the fact that we also use the crown regulations with clear rules on what we should do. There is clarity on that and it gives implementation power when it comes to the advice and recommendations we give.

Guldvog emphasized that he has great respect for the work done in Sweden.

– I have great respect for the hard work that is being done in Sweden, and not least for the enormous efforts that are put into the Swedish health service to care for patients.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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Few deaths

Sweden, on the other hand, is nowhere near topping the list of new deaths from covid-19 in Europe. While Slovenia and Bulgaria have recorded 28.6 and 27.4 deaths per crown per 100,000 inhabitants respectively in the last 14 days, Sweden has only recorded 4.6.

What causes this is unknown, but there are several possible explanations: It takes a few weeks from infection rates to rise until death rates also rise, and it may be that Sweden tests more, and therefore detects more cases, than other countries .

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has taken a more active role in dealing with the second wave of covid-19 in Sweden. Among other things, the government introduced a ban on gatherings of more than eight people and a stop at 10 pm.

Previously, Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell had relied heavily on recommendations and encouragement.
