Abuse in sport | The accused sports judge organized a “masturbation competition” with a 14-year-old boy:


On Tuesday the trial against the sports referee continued in Bergen, who is charged with various issues, including sexual relations with children under 16 years of age.

BERGEN DISTRICT COURT (Nettavisen): In court Tuesday, police attorney Christine Wisløff continued to question the 29-year-old man.

The defendant then had to answer for having had sexual relations with minors under 16 years of age, abusing a position, a dependent relationship or a relationship of trust.

During the interrogation, the sports judge admitted what he was accused of and learned of the contact he had had with several of the victims.

In one of the cases, he admitted having participated in and organized a so-called masturbation competition with a boy who at the time must have been 14 years old.

The competition was held physically, not online.

– It’s terrible to sit here and know what you’ve done, said the accused sports referee in court on Tuesday.

599 days in a row with Snapchat

Police attorney Christine Wisløff spent a lot of time establishing how close contact the defendant had with various of the victims.

In one of the charges, which concerns sexual relations with children under the age of 16, the prosecution documented that the defendant had been in contact with one of the victims on Snapchat for 599 days in a row.

The sports referee explained that this was due to a motivation to maintain an alleged streak on Snapchat.

If a day goes by without a snap call being sent between the two users, the count returns to 0. Here, they had kept it for 599 days in a row.

The defendant explained that, in addition to the aforementioned masturbation competition, he remembered three to four occasions in which he made the victim masturbate in front of him. He also explained that the two have exchanged photos with each other via Snapchat.

On one occasion, the defendant received a photograph of the minor victim’s penis.

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ACCUSED SPORTS REFEREE: The man censored here by Nettavisen was a prominent sports referee.  He is now charged and risks several years in prison.  Embedded are some of the messages he has sent to the younger judges who have had a trusting relationship with him.

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DEFENDANT: Bertil Christian Hast Rønnestad - the lawyer for the accused sports referee.

Click the pic to enlarge.  ACTOR: Police attorney Christine Wissløff in court on Tuesday.

IN COURT: Christine Møen Wisløff is the prosecutor in the much-discussed “judge’s case” in Bergen.
Photography: Simen Lønning (Nettavisen)

– Completely unsustainable

Through the explanation, he was again heavily influenced and had to repeatedly ask for short breaks while he explained.

He also expressed remorse for the actions and said that he experienced his own actions as unforgivable.

– Everything that has to do with the sexual part is in every way completely untenable. I’m ashamed of what happened. I don’t know if it’s possible to even apologize, but I really want to apologize to NN (our anonymization, editor’s note), said the defendant.

During Tuesday’s explanation, the defendant was also asked about his own childhood and adolescence. He then explained about a demanding period in life.

– He was a very insecure person. I was bullied during my youth, said the defendant.

He explained that as a child he was overweight and had very few friends. At the same time, he said he struggled in social settings.

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CRITICAL: Svein Kåre Takle at Kalandseid Idrettslag reacts to various things in NFF Hordaland's handling of the so-called referee case in Bergen.

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ACCUSED SPORTS REFEREE: The man censored here by Nettavisen was a prominent sports referee.  He is now charged and risks several years in prison.  Embedded are some of the messages he has sent to the younger judges who have had a trusting relationship with him.

– Express remorse

The case is considered very serious, and in the five-page indictment, the sports referee is charged with various crimes against a total of 25 victims, including:

– For having had sexual relations with children under 16 years of age.

– For having had sexual relations with a minor between 14 and 16 years of age or for forcing a minor between 14 and 16 years of age to perform acts corresponding to sexual relations with themselves.

– Having incited children under the age of 16 to engage in sexually abusive or other obscene behavior.

– For having obtained or another sexual relationship due to abuse of position, dependency or relationship of trust

– For having produced, acquired or possessed the representation of sexual abuse of children or the representation of sexualized children.

Tried at the elite level

The 29-year-old had previously been unpunished and had no comment on the certificate of good conduct when he was arrested in July 2019.

The man has been in custody since he was arrested on July 8 last summer.

At that time he was a widely used referee in various sports. He has also judged at the elite level in one of the sports.

The case against the sports referee is scheduled to last Monday through Friday this week. A verdict is expected in a couple of weeks.

The most serious charges carry a maximum penalty of 6 years.
