– I never felt so lucky going out – VG


For more than two months, the national team player Stine Hovland (29) has been sitting in a “running of the bulls” in Milan. From night to Monday, I wanted to run so much that I could hardly sleep.

– We have had a countdown for quite some time and had to leave early to run, Hovland says by phone to VG from Milan.

On Monday, May 4, Italy began a cautious reopening of the country and eased some of the limitations of the crown crisis.

This means, among other things, that people can do more sports and exercise outdoors, although close to their homes.

– I didn’t sleep many hours last night! Hovland says about the joy of finally moving outdoors.

AC MILAN PLAYER: Stine Hovland. Photo: Jonathan Moscrop / Sportimage / PA Images

Up early

The 29-year-old and her teammate and teammate Berglind Björg Thorvaldsdóttir left early Monday morning. They were filmed running and cheering on the streets of Milan at 5:51 p.m.

– I’ll go for a walk again later. I have never felt so lucky to leave as today, says the AC Milan player.

Italy closed the country and imposed a curfew on March 10. Hovland and his teammates were advised by the club to stay indoors before this.

The Norwegian Sampdoria and the national team player Morten Thorsby were infected by the virus:

For more than two months, she has been more or less sitting inside the apartment looking at a ghost town.

Now Hovland says they have been told that jogging is possible outdoors and that they can walk in the reopened parks in the city.

– The most important thing for me right now is not really playing soccer. Going out and jogging was absolutely amazing, she says.

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Trapped in Milan’s “ghost town” – warns Norwegians not to take the situation seriously

AC Milan is not open to train

When she and her teammates can play soccer again is still uncertain.

– The last message we receive from the club is that we will receive an update when we can start, she says.

The easing of crown restrictions on Monday also hit professional footballers. Players can now train individually at the club’s training facilities.

It has not yet opened to AC Milan, according to Hovland.

– The club has not yet opened for individual training here, so we’ll see. We don’t know when we can start again right now, she says.

Even Maria Thorisdottir from Chelsea still can’t play soccer. So she has shown new talents:

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