– Great evidence that the coronavirus came from the Chinese laboratory


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Pompeo was interviewed by the ABC television channel. He said nothing about the type of evidence. The Foreign Minister thus reiterates the statements of President Donald Trump on the same subject.

United States intelligence released a statement last week stating that the coronavirus is neither man-made nor genetically modified.

The conclusion was made public after President Trump and other members of his administration repeatedly made such suggestions.

The main intelligence chief of the EE. The US, Richard Grenell, who coordinates the operations of the country’s 16 different intelligence agencies, said they are still working to determine if the outbreak started after humans contacted infected animals or was the result of a laboratory accident. in Wuhan

The laboratory in question, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is subject to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and, among other things, has conducted research on the SARS virus and other viruses that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Chinese authorities have rejected all claims that the virus outbreak originated here.

Other critics believe that Trump and his government’s game is an attempt to divert attention from the problems of the United States to keep the epidemic under control during the election year.

Pompeo strongly criticized China in the interview, but did not respond if he believed the coronavirus had been intentionally spread.

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