“Rest in peace dear father”


Environmentalist Kurt Oddekalv was killed while walking through ice on a lake in Bergen on Monday.

“The commotion struck us like lightning from a clear sky on Monday,” his children wrote in a Facebook post Wednesday night.

His son Ruben Oddekalv has given Dagbladet permission to reproduce the post.

The children write that the father died when he tried to save his daughter’s dog, Kompis, from drowning under the ice.

“A friend also joined him as a result of the trip,” they write.

We lost the best of us

We lost the best of us

Huge support

The support the family has received in recent days has been overwhelming. It has been so overwhelming that they still haven’t been able to take it all in.

“We have all the support with us in the very difficult moment that lies ahead.” Once again, we received confirmation that Dad has meant an incredible amount to many in our society. Both highs and lows, ”they write.

Kurt Oddekalv was the leader of the Norwegian Association for Environmental Protection since he founded the organization in 1993. He described himself as an “environmental warrior”, and was better known to the public as a dedicated environmentalist.

“But we children, he also knows as much as an adventurer, sailor, hunter, cowboy, designer, curious rig, fisherman, prankster, and a skilled and rarely informed craftsman.”

– Intense and true love

ENVIRONMENT: Kurt Oddekalv at the UN climate conference COP21 in Paris 2015. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

ENVIRONMENT: Kurt Oddekalv at the UN climate conference COP21 in Paris 2015. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB
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“One thing that is important to us and to Dad that people should know is that everything Kurt did, he did because he loved. All actions stemmed from an intense and real love for nature, animals and people. , and the symbiosis between them. He realized before most that everything he loved was threatened. Something that still is, “writes the son.

Now Rubén has assumed the position of leader of the organization that his father founded.

“I loved the planet and everyone who lives here. You too, who are reading this. Dad got up every morning to defend what he loved. He did it with intense strength and a courage that has no equal. All my life”, they write.

Take the fight

The children write that what they call “Operation: Save the World” can only be successful if they work together to preserve it.

“At least he thought that and so do we. Dad is good proof that one person cannot solve all these challenges we face right now, alone, but that one person can really make a difference. You will always be a true hero, Dad Kurt.”

“Rest in peace, dear father. We take the fight further,” they conclude.
