– Donald Trump must resign – VG


Democratic congressmen from New York are joining in calling on Donald Trump to resign as president at a news conference Saturday. If not, they are threatening the Supreme Court.


– Look around everyone, these are members of Congress. Their lives were in danger due to a revolt that for some reason was tolerated, that was created and aided by Donald Trump, and for some reason it was tolerated by the security forces.

That’s what New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Saturday.

– It is very clear what should happen, and should happen now, Donald Trump in three of, said de Blasio.

Several Democratic congressmen from New York attended the press conference and demanded that Trump resign or be removed with the help of the 25th Amendment. If not, they will take you to court.

IN SHOCK: Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D) was present in the room when Congress was stormed. Photo: PISCINA / X80003

Among them were representatives Hakeem Jeffries, Carolyn Maloney, Gregory Meeks, and Nydia Velázquez.

– They broke into the room and took control. I am still shocked by what happened. But what is even more shocking is that the President of the United States initiated, led, helped and was part of the uprising and breakdown of our democracy, said Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, adding:

– He cannot lead, cannot be trusted, must resign immediately.

DEPARTURE REQUIRED: Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) in New York. Photo: BRENDAN MCDERMID / X90143

– You must not have your finger on the atomic button

De Blasio also questioned whether it is safe to allow Trump to remain in power in the final days before Biden’s installation on January 20.

– Anyone who is so treacherous and has lost his temper should not have his finger on the atomic button.

De Blasio also believes that some allowed the assault on Congress on Wednesday.

– Look behind you, it’s the city hall. Can you imagine a mob taking over the building behind here? It will never happen in New York, but it did happen in Washington DC. I support Congressman Bowman who wants a full investigation, because someone allowed this to happen.

ANSWERING: Congressman Gregory Meeks (D). Photo: John Minchillo / AP

– No one is above the law, especially Trump.

Serious descriptions of the president were not lacking during the press conference. Congressman Gregory Meek, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said what Trump had done “puts our national security at risk.”

Meeks also said he “had no numbers on how many allies” had called him and said they “couldn’t believe their own eyes” about what happened.

– I don’t have figures on how many international ambassadors and legislators called and said: “If this can happen in the United States, it can happen anywhere, something that threatens the world order.”

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Meeks further said that Congress would regroup if Trump did not voluntarily resign or if the 25th Amendment was activated.

– We want to make it clear that the world understands that the United States is still governed by the law. And no one, absolutely no one, is above the law, especially Donald Trump.

Trump supporters stormed the convention building

As Congress worked to pass the election that would make Joe Biden the next US president on Wednesday, the building was stormed by a mob of Donald Trump supporters.

The president has been accused of inciting the violent riots, which resulted in the deaths of five people.

See the sensational clip from inside the Congress building:

Hours later, Trump released a video in which for the first time he acknowledged Biden’s electoral victory and called the assault on Congress a “heinous attack.”

That did not hold true for the leader of the House Democrats, Nancy Pelosi. She believes that Donald Trump has abused his power, incited rebellion, and asks him to resign.

If you don’t, she will sue you in higher court.

A proposal that will lead to a vote in the Supreme Court has already been drafted, and the process can already begin on Monday, with a possible vote in the House of Representatives in the middle of next week, reports NTB.

CRITICISM: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D). Photo: JOSHUA ROBERTS / X01909

Hard on graham

Democrats’ shooting star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, popularly called “AOC,” slammed Republican Lindsey Graham on Friday for urging the country to “move on” after the storm.

– “Move on?”

– “Keep going” does not mean “forget it”, Lindsey Graham.

“Moving forward requires responsibility,” he wrote.

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– I can’t say if it was five minutes or half an hour.

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Correction: In an earlier version of this case, we wrote that Lindsey Graham is a Democrat. The truth is that he is a Republican. It was corrected on 09.01 2021 at 6.15 pm.
