Britain introduces a new national lockdown – E24


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson introduces a new national lockdown in England. The new crown mutation is blamed for the development of the infection.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson.

Heathcliff O’Malley / Pool via AP / NTB


Johnson said in a speech at 9 p.m. Monday that the British must do more together to control the new variant, which is estimated to be 50 to 70 percent more contagious.

He also says that they were successful with the crown strategy until the new variant was discovered, and that it would have been enough if the new one had not appeared.

Stay home, protect the NHS and save lives, was Johnson’s message. The message was the same as during the first shutdown in March.

The prime minister said he is confident that the British are now in the final stages of fighting the virus. The first vaccine from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford was installed on Monday. The Pfizer and Biontech vaccine has already been approved and the population has been vaccinated with it since the beginning of December.

The Oxford vaccine is much cheaper than its competitors and it is also easier to store and transport. The fact that it has now been used in the UK gives hope to accelerate the fight against coronavirus. The country is among the worst affected countries in the world with more than 75,000 virus-related deaths.

A Downing Street statement on Monday afternoon said the Prime Minister is aware that more action is needed to address the rise and protect the NHS and save lives.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said early Monday that Scottish society will be shut down to curb the rise in infection.

On Sunday, Labor leader Keir Starmer called for a new lockdown in the UK within 24 hours and said the virus was obviously out of control after six days in a row with more than 50,000 new cases.

