Search failed last night for missing persons in Gjerdrum: several police dogs are injured


Rescue teams continued overnight searching for survivors of the landslide at Ask in Gjerdrum.

Rescue teams on duty at the Ask landslide area in Gjerdrum Sunday evening. Several houses were taken over by the landslide and three people have yet to be found. Photo: Fredrik Hagen, NTB

– No new finds have been made tonight, and the search continues, Operations Manager Gisle Sveen in the eastern police district tells NTB at 4.30 on Monday morning.

A total of ten people disappeared after the landslide that occurred on the night of Wednesday, December 30. On Sunday, three dead people were pulled out of the landslide zone, confirming the deaths of a total of seven people.

It is still being searched in the hope of finding survivors, Sveen emphasizes.

– The effort is directed in the sense that it looks for areas and structures where there is hope of finding people, he says.

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Depending on the cavity

Five of the total of ten disappeared are by. Domingo identified, and three people are still not found.

Image of a drone from the landslide zone at Ask in Gjerdrum on Sunday, January 3. Photo: Cornelius Poppe, TTT

The leader of the health task, Gunnar Farstad, told a news conference Sunday night that it is not impossible that someone survived, despite the cold temperature.

– The prerequisite is that they are located in a cavity in a building mass, he said.

– There are stories from other parts of the world, although mostly with a higher temperature, where you have survived for a long time. It depends on being in a cavity where there is also isolation, Farstad said.

He added that there are Norwegian experiences in which people have survived in temperatures well below 20 degrees.

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Injured police dogs in search

The avalanche pit itself is about 700 meters long and 300 meters wide and challenging to get around.

– We paved roads where dog teams mark and search for buildings and where there may be cavities, Inge Myhrer said Sunday. He is responsible for urban search and rescue (use) and leader of the rescue group in the Nedre Romerike fire department.

Contributing search teams include patrol dogs from the Oslo Police District.

– Our dogs have done an impressive job, despite the dangers and the environment. On Saturday night, one of the dogs searched an area where it entered through a window. This resulted in an ugly cut and he was rushed to the vet where he is being monitored after treatment, writes the Oslo police district on Facebook.

The Oslo Police District has shared a photo of one of its injured dogs on Facebook. Photo: Oslo Police District

– It will be fine, but unfortunately you can no longer contribute here. Another couple of dogs were injured in the search, but they will quickly return to work, writes one of the dog trainers in the post.
