Michael Alig – “Club Kid” has died


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Alig (54) was found dead in his own apartment in Manhattan. According to the New York Daily News, the alleged cause of death is a heroin overdose.

Alig became a prominent figure in New York nightlife in the 1990s. It then ended in tragedy when he and a friend killed a suspected doplanger in 1996. Alig turned 17 for the murder before being released in 2014 .

Known figure

In the late 80s and early 90s, Alig became a promoter of clubs in the hippest places in Manhattan. He also became the leader of a group of young party lions who called themselves Club Kids.

This led to Alig becoming a well-known figure both in the New York tabloid press and as a participant on television shows.

Horrible murder

Then the murder of the alleged doplanger took place.

Alig and his friend weren’t quite sure what to do with the body. For several days they left him in the bathtub of the apartment where they lived. At the same time, they had visiting friends. But every time someone reacted to the smell, he simply apologized that there were problems with the sewer.

Finally, Alig’s friend went to Macy’s department store and bought knives and a box. Alig dismembered the body and placed it in that box. They then took a taxi with the box and got help from the driver, who had no idea what the box contained, to dump it into the Hudson River. Then they took the taxi home again. Nine months later, the box floated ashore on Staten Island and the body was discovered. Soon after, Alig and his friend were arrested.

He was the king of New York nightlife in the 1990s. Then he killed a friend and bragged about it.  Now him

He was the king of New York nightlife in the 1990s. Then he killed a friend and bragged about it. Now the “party monster” is back

Movie Ble

In 2003, Alig’s story was dramatized with Macaulay Culkin in the lead role in the movie “Party Monster.”

When Alig was released from prison in 2014, he gave several interviews about how the world and New York had changed.

– I have never been on the Internet, and I have never had a mobile phone, says Alig in the documentary “Glory Daze: The Life and Times of Michael Alig”.
