Still difficult to talk about Ari Behn’s death – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


– I think it’s still difficult to talk about that. Ari was a person who was very, very fond of, and everyone was very fond of him, that he fought the way he did and chose to end his life. It’s very heavy.

This is what Crown Princess Mette Marit says in an interview with NRK. The interview was conducted in connection with the show The Year with the Royal Family, which airs on NRK1, on December 25.

Transparency is important

– I am above all very proud of Ari’s girls, and especially of Maud who managed to give this beautiful speech at the funeral. But also the rest of Ari’s family who chose to be open about it.

Words of remembrance from Maud Angelica to her father

Maud Angelica Behn gives a speech at her father’s funeral.

Photo: NRK

She believes the opening created an opportunity for people across the country to talk about how they felt.

– I think people had the feeling that they had to take care of people who knew they were struggling.

Crown Princess Mette Marit has been a sponsor of the Mental Health Council since 2001. She says there have been important changes in Norway in the years she has worked in this field. At the same time, he sees that there are many who do not get the help they need and who do not dare to be open about their problems.

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess at a video conference in Skaugum

The Crown Princess and Crown Prince met earlier this year with organizations working for mental health in teams.

Photo: Henrik Myhr Nielsen / NRK

– I think it’s about the fact that when we don’t work, we’re very ashamed. Therefore, it is difficult to be open about it. There are many prejudices about what it is to suffer from serious mental illness, but also to fight, says the crown princess.

It must be remembered that more than half of those who live in Norway, during their lifetime, will have mental health problems..

When asked if she has struggled with ailments herself, she replies:

– Of course I do. Fortunately, one should keep in mind that having one of the most common forms of mental health problems is that it is possible to create a good life even if one has mental challenges. That is one of the most important things I can say.

The measures taken during the corona pandemic have led to the closure of schools, universities, gyms and other places where people tend to congregate. Many feel isolated.

Crown Princess Mette MArit celebrates World Mental Health Day in 2016

Crown Princess Mette Marit: In celebration of World Mental Health Day together with Young Mental Health in 2016.

Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB

– I think I’m probably more concerned with those who are fighting the most before. Those who have struggled the most before have it more difficult today.

She says that it is important that we take care of each other in this time that we are in and that we think especially of the young.

– For the young people who can already be alone, who lose most of the arenas where they can practice being with others, that those arenas are gone, I think it is a challenge for many. And I think we will see the consequences of that for many years to come.

Advice in a difficult time

– If you know someone who feels lonely, get in touch. I think what we can all do is be a neighbor right now. I think that’s the most important thing. If you feel like you’re falling short, that you don’t know what to say, then you need to remember that it’s just about having ordinary conversations.

The crown princess believes that the most important thing is to experience being seen.

– The most important thing is that you are together and experience a form of community, almost no matter what kind of community it is.

If you have been alone for a long time, the threshold for making contact with others is much higher.

– Practice to find social spaces where you can practice being with people, I think that is very important, says the Crown Princess, and continues:

– It is important to create good routines.

– Get up early, take a shower, follow sleep routines, eat regularly, go out in the sun, I think that’s very important.

– Doing activities together is nice.

– Go for a walk with someone. Getting new impulses, trying a new activity, all those things I think can be important, says Crown Princess Mette Marit.

Young adults

Aid organizations made tremendous progress after Ari Behn’s death. Help lines and chat services were overloaded.

– We were contacted on all channels by young people who needed to speak to someone, says the manager of communications and fundraising at Mental Health Youth, Line Toft.

She believes that the frankness surrounding Ari Behn’s death is in large part why so many got in touch.

The organization experienced that the need to bid to the 18-35 age group was great. They created a chat, specifically aimed at this target audience. Here they can share their thoughts and get responses from the chat hosts. Everything is done anonymously.

Head of Communications and Fundraising at Mental Health Youth

Youth Mental Health Communications and Fundraising Manager, Line Toft

Photo: Mental Health Youth

– People of this age experience great disorders in life. From children to adults, they move houses, drop out of the regular school system, have to find a job and figure out who they are going to be, Toft says.

During the pandemic, they experience that there are many, more than normal, who approach with heavy and dark thoughts.

Mental health youth

Talk to someone about your problems.

Photo: Mental Health Youth

– Twice as many young people who talk about loneliness this year than last year. Two in ten reported last year that they felt lonely. Now it’s four out of ten, says Line Toft.

According to a survey conducted by Opinion, there are between 12 and 15 percent more people struggling with loneliness in the young age group than in the rest of the population.
