– Even more contagious – VG


The British government confirms that another new variant of the coronavirus has been discovered in the United Kingdom.


At a press conference on Wednesday, the country’s Health Minister Matt Hancock said they had identified two cases of the new variant in the UK.

– This new variant is very concerning, because it is even more contagious, and it seems that it has mutated more than the other new variant, says Hancock.

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Both will be contacts of proven cases who have traveled to the UK from South Africa. The two new cases are quarantined, as are their close contacts.

The variant of the virus that is ravaging South Africa is not the same variant as the first new mutation in the UK.

Hancock further says that people who have been to South Africa and their close contacts should be immediately quarantined.

39,237 new cases of infection were registered in the UK on Wednesday, a new record. In addition, record numbers of deaths have been recorded, with 744 deaths per corona on Wednesday.

CONCERNED: Health Minister Matt Hancock is concerned about the new variant being discovered in the UK. Photo: KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTH / POOL

A new variant of the coronavirus now dominates in South Africa’s second wave of viruses, and researchers suggest it is spreading faster.

The country has more than doubled the number of new infection cases in two weeks, the death toll is rising almost as fast, and a record number of 8,500 are hospitalized with COVID-19, 200 more than the previous record in August.

The increase is much more pronounced and occurs much earlier than expected in the second wave.

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South Africa has recently introduced stricter crown restrictions including limited sales of alcohol and more closed beaches.

The UK is already hard hit by the pandemic, and parts of the country are under severe restrictions after a virus mutation was discovered that can be up to 70 percent more contagious than previous variants.

The flight stopover for direct flights from the UK to Norway continued on Wednesday and will be reconsidered on the second day of Christmas, reports the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

In 2003, the virus marked the news image of SARS, now the Corona virus makes the world stop. They both go back to China and they both go back to the same kind of environment. But do you really know how these viruses are produced?
