Donald Trump Rejects Congressional Crisis Package Calling It A Shame – VG


Donald Trump will not approve the crown crisis package adopted by the United States Congress. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB

Donald Trump will not approve the gigantic and long-awaited crown crisis package adopted by Congress. He calls it a disgrace and asks Congress to change it.


In a video posted on Twitter On Tuesday night, Trump says the package is a disgrace and should be changed. He asks Congress to increase the check each American receives to $ 2,000 and to cut support for the world community.

– Over the summer, Democrats maliciously blocked a crisis package from the crown. A few months ago, Congress began negotiations on a package that is critical of the American people. It took too long. But the package they send to my desk is completely different. To be honest, it’s a shame, says Trump.

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Agreement on US Crisis Package

The crisis package has been eagerly awaited by American businesses and individuals. After the previous crisis package, which was adopted in March, expired this summer, Democrats and Republicans have been unable to agree – until now. This week, the $ 900 billion crisis package passed both the House and Senate, and now it just awaits Trump’s approval.

– It’s called the crown crisis package, but it has almost nothing to do with the crown, says Trump, listing support for countries that are part of the crisis package that was adopted by Congress.

– It favors other countries and immigrants

Trump believes the crisis package favors both other states and immigrants in the United States at the expense of American citizens and businesses.

– The package allows the families of illegal immigrants to receive much more than what Americans receive. The $ 900 billion crisis package gives hard-working taxpayers just $ 600 each in crisis aid, and not enough is being given to small businesses, especially restaurants, Trump said.

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Espen (29) earns 100,000 a week during the crown crisis in the United States

Trump demands that Congress deliver a new proposal.

– I ask Congress to change this proposal and increase the ridiculously low amount from $ 600 to $ 2,000, or $ 4,000 for couples. I am also asking Congress to immediately remove unnecessary and wasteful parts of this package and send me a new package, Trump said.

The United States has been hard hit by the pandemic, with more than 18.1 million registered cases and more than 322,000 deaths related to covid-10.

Positive Top Democrats

Senate Minority Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi responds to Trump’s video:

– Republicans have repeatedly refused to say how much the president wanted in direct support. Finally, the president has agreed to $ 2,000. Democrats are willing to take this further this week with unanimous consent. Let’s do this, she writes Twitter.

While Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer says Trump could finally benefit.

– We’ve spent months trying to get $ 2,000 of support, but the Republicans have stopped it. Trump must sign the agreement to help the people and keep the government open. We are pleased to provide more help to Americans in need. Maybe Trump can finally do himself a favor and keep the Republicans from stopping this again.

While Republican Senator Lindsey Graham believes that Trump should sign the agreement.

– The Corona package, even if it is not perfect, will save jobs and lives. The faster it arrives, the better. It will give millions of businesses the opportunity to avoid bankruptcy, deliver vaccines faster, help the unemployed, and give money to struggling families. Help is on the way as soon as the proposal is adopted, he writes on Twitter.

– I may have to do it myself

Despite the fact that Joe Biden won the US election and will assume the presidency in January, Trump warns that in his next term he may have to take responsibility for putting a crisis package in motion.

– If not, the next administration should do it, and maybe it’s me. And we will, says Trump.
