Bergen repeals local crown measures – VG


RELIEF: Bergen City Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor Party) announced on Friday that strict city rules will be relaxed starting Monday and then national rules will apply. Photo: Helge Mikalsen

The pressure of infection in the western Norwegian capital has eased and, starting Monday, Bergen will ease the city’s strict crowning measures.


From now on, national standards and recommendations will be applied until further notice.

– While infection pressure in Bergen was significantly above the national average in November, infection pressure is now significantly below the national average, Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor) told a news conference.

The Christmas celebration in Bergen will be carried out according to national rules, Valhammer said.

Based on the current infection situation, the City Council’s assessment is that new local infection control regulations are not necessary when current regulations expire.

– I want to commend the people of Bergen, that we have managed to come here, which makes it possible to return to national rules and guidelines towards Christmas and the Christmas celebration, says Valhammer.

He noted that the proportion of registered infected is now 0.6 percent of those examined.

“We are testing more and the ratio is decreasing so much,” Valhammer said.

There have been five new cases of infection in Bergen in the last 24 hours. That’s three less than the day before and two less than the weekly average.

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– There are still restrictions on how many you can be with and there are still restrictions on what you can do, says the manager of the medical department Trond Egil Hansen in the municipality of Bergen.

He pointed out that they will be allowed to train together again and that grassroots sport can be resumed, but that national sports guidelines must be followed to the letter.

– The big Christmas parties will not be possible yet, says Hansen.

Restaurants can stay open, but must follow the rules about service stops, distance, and guest registration. This means that the bar stops at 24:00 and that restaurants with a liquor license cannot admit new guests after 22:00. The discharge must stop half an hour before the closing of the premises.

Strict measures

Strict measures have been introduced in the municipality of Bergen. Prohibition of group training, prohibition of being more than ten people in private events, and cocktail bar at 10:30 p.m.

Visiting restrictions were also introduced in the municipal institutions and requirements for the use of masks in various places.

The seas: Measurements in Bergen

These rules will now be removed, in favor of national rules and recommendations:

  • Visits and social contact: Still limit the number of people you have contact with. You can have up to 5 guests in addition to household members. On two of the days of Christmas, you can have up to 10 guests, but if you cannot complete the party with a distance of one meter, you must have fewer.
  • Events: There can be a maximum of 20 participants in a private meeting in rented or rented premises. For indoor events, there can be 50 people without fixed seats and 200 with fixed seats.
  • See the full list here.