Russia excluded from international championships


RUSSIA as a nation it disappears from the World Cup and the Olympics for the next two years. From now on, there will only be room for selected Russian individual athletes, such as the long jumper Darya Klishina. It will be the scorching punishment for the fraud of the Russians before, during and after the Sochi 2014 Olympics.

The verdict is final despite the fact that the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) today halved the sentence adopted of four years of suspension. It is now up to individual sport to decide how many Russians will be able to compete in the World Cup and the Olympics under a neutral flag.

The international requirement for these Russian stars is that they are not in the rigged doping tests that ultimately brought Russia down, and that they are now subject to credible doping control.

With a few exceptions, you will see the best Russians at the Biathlon World Cup and the Ski World Cup this winter, but the Russians cannot compete in the relays. The country is not really involved.

Therefore, the Russian flag is banned, so Russia disappears from the World Cup of football and ice hockey. It is perhaps the greatest prestige defeat of the superpower.

But they have even asked for it.

WHERE Gross Russia has actually ripped off the rest of the sporting world, it wasn’t unveiled until spring 2016. Then came the first big reveal of how ugly it happened for Russians to win as much as possible at their own prestigious Olympics in Sochi. It was a story of betrayal that was hard to believe:

  • The best Russian sports were completely naked by Grigory Rodchenkov, who had organized the scam for them.

In the confusion of the weeks after this former head of the Moscow doping laboratory recounted how Russia cheated all its competitors, Thomas Bach tried it; the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), to save what could be saved. Olympic leaders will generally try to include as many countries as possible, and the current IOC president has had a good relationship with Vladimir Putin.

The Moscow scandal: Russia is deceiving itself and itself

The Moscow scandal: Russia is deceiving itself and itself

THIS It was just before the start of the Summer Olympics in Rio, and Bach lobbied various sports and nations to include the Russians despite the fraud revealed.

At the Olympics, individual sports are responsible for their exercises. Only athletics dared to speak out against Bach. Only young Russian long-distance hopeful Darja Klishina was allowed into the Olympic Stadium in Rio.

Later, Klishina has been the symbol of Russia’s fight to compete more internationally and told how difficult it is to be alone in a championship without being able to represent his home country.

Then she was betrayed by her own, and now the battle is definitely lost:

  • Today, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) adopted rules that make the road back to Russian sports long, even if the first sentence was reduced from four to two years.

Now you won’t be able to see the Russian flag or hear the Russian national anthem until 2023 after the Russians themselves have convinced individual sport that they are trustworthy. The CAS ruling contains large amounts of compensation and detailed demands for a different doping control that the Russians must meet in order to return.

Although many Western doping hunters are now dissatisfied with the fact that the CAS halved the ban, the strict premises of the sentence may be more important than the length of the sentence.

Only when they threatened to expel her did Russia realize the seriousness

Only when they threatened to expel her did Russia realize the seriousness

THIS it is the story of a predicted punishment. Along the way, the story of Russian defector Grigory Rodchenkov has been confirmed in two separate reports by law professor Richard McLaren, which showed in detail how deeply the Russian authorities fell to steal sports medals. These reports have then been used as the basis for the court settlement against individual Russian stars.

The fact that Olympic winner Alexander Legkov and many of the stars were acquitted of their own responsibility for the fraud is due to the strict evidentiary requirements that the CAS has established to punish the individual for state fraud. There has never been any doubt that Russia, as a sports nation, has betrayed everyone.

Therefore, the nation of Russia also had to be judged in the end.

The relationship broke down: a raped Russia is dangerous

The relationship broke down: a raped Russia is dangerous

TO This verdict has become so devastating in terms of content, due only to the Russians’ own stupidity. They were not done cheating when it was first revealed in the spring of 2016. The scam continued during the investigation and until the Russians themselves turned over the evidence.

When Russia was apparently in good company again in the fall of 2018, it was set up by investigators at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). WADA demanded that it be allowed to verify all data material from the fraud center at the Moscow doping lab because investigators suspected such a check would show new fraud.

And with good reason:

  • When this data material was delivered by the Russian authorities several months late, it had been tampered with up to the time of delivery.

Russia was once again taken with its pants down.

There will be doping hunt with big holes

There will be doping hunt with big holes

MENS even that shame is not enough to unite the IOC and international sports to demand total isolation. When the Russians in December 2019 were punished by the AMA with a four-year ban, this decision came with big loopholes. It was not accidental.

The intention was that Russia could still participate and organize matches in the European Football Championship last summer; a championship that disappeared with the corona pandemic. Similarly, an exception was made for the Champions League final in the summer of 2022.

It was WADA’s definition of “major championship” that laid the groundwork for these gaps, and they are still there after this decision at CAS.

The Russian trap must be fought with the help of the whip and the carrot. That is probably why the CAS cut the proposed penalty in half, after WADA itself had already given the Russians the opportunity to participate in both the World Cup and the Continental Championships.

It's raking around you

It’s raking around you

HOW THAT The influence of Russians in various sports has also remained high despite the fraud revealed. Experienced British commentator Dawid Owen has a very interesting article about this on the professional website Inside the Games, where he shows the control that Russian politics and money still have over much of world sport.

In the same way, Russia has done well all along in terms of results, while the country has been threatened with exclusion. In the ranking of the largest sports nation of the past three seasons, the country has never been weaker than number three overall. Only now, during the pandemic, do they recede further.

Forbidden: Russians only lie

Forbidden: Russians only lie

THE EXEPTION is athletics. The international federation has been very tough there. As a result, the sanctions under the leadership of the experienced Norwegian doping hunter Rune Andersen have become really effective. Therefore, it is possible to achieve success with a harder line.

Russia is still banned from international athletics. There is a good reason for it. Here, too, the Russians have cheated as usual on the road. Even the stars that were allowed to compete under the neutral flag were groomed. The cheating around high jumper Daniel Lysenko showed how far Russian athletics have been willing to go to cheat as before.

ANSWER BACK: Russian ski heroine Anfisa Reztsova accused Tiril Eckhoff of doping. This is how Therese Johaug reacts. Video: Expressen.
see more

MEANWHILE trained Darja Klishina in the United States and watched most of it from the sidelines. After a yearlong hiatus in 2018, he has set out to return to the Tokyo Olympics next summer.

She remains a neutral athlete without a flag or national anthem because all this time she has been misled by national sports leaders. Last fall, the Russian authorities fired Yuri Ganus; the head of Russia Anti-Doping (RUSADA), after long demanding radical changes in Russian culture.

If these changes do not happen, the Russians will be excluded from the most important sporting moments. So two years can turn into many more seasons on the sidelines.

Because Russia betrayed Darya Klishina and lost.
