Makes a television drama about Gro and the Labor Party.


“A drama series based on truth, lies and bad memory” is the title of the presentation of the drama series “Power”.

On Thursday afternoon, the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) announced the final round of the year with awards for feature films and television series. Among the projects that received support were “Power” – a fictional series about power struggles in the Labor Party in the 1970s and Gro Harlem Brundtland’s path to the post of prime minister, according to the NFI filing.

(The case continues during the video)

NFI has provided NOK 10 million in support of production, out of a total budget of NOK 136 million. At the center of the “Power” project are series creators Johan Fasting and Vilje Hagen, who were behind the success of “Heimebane” on NRK in 2018-19.

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The Motlys production company is producing together with Novemberfilm.

When Dagsavisen contacts the creators of the series, they refer to NRK’s ​​communications manager, who confirms that the series will air on NRK.

Through NRK Communications Manager Vilje Hagen on Motlys and Camilla Brusdal on the November movie, he responds:

“We are now in the middle of the writing process for ‘Power’ and very happy about NFI’s support, which gives us peace of mind to continue working on the project. So we look forward to talking more about our series when we get a little closer to the start of the filming ».

The NFI consultant writes about the series: “Power will be the great series about the Labor Party and the creation of Gro Harlem Brundtland. During 12 episodes, he will save the party that collapses in the struggles for power. What did she have to do to make it happen? “says the NFI consultant, who also believes the series has international potential.

The director of “Makta” is Yngvild Sve Flikke, who was the director of episodes of “Heimebane”, and which currently opens in theaters in 2021 with his second feature film “Ninjababy”

Novemberfilm has previously been behind a series of documentaries such as “Krimvakta” and “Jakten på Nokas-penene” for NRK, and “Norge bak fasaden” for TV 2.

Actors Kristin Grue and Silje Storstein are the scriptwriters for “Makta” along with Johan Fasting.

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The idea for the series came from Kristin Grue and Silje Storstein, according to the NFI press release.

Write a drama series about Gro Harlem Bruntland: Kristin Grue Photo: NTB

Kristin Grue, here at the launch of the movie “Doctor Proctor’s Time Bath”, 2015. Photo: NTB

Kristin Grue wrote a book in 2019 about Gro Harlem Brundtland in the children’s book series “My First Biography”.

– We are familiar with the idea and the creators of the series contacted us at an early stage, says Jon Mørland, advisor to Gro Harlem Bruntland.

He says they were contacted about the drama project right after the documentary series “When We Rule the Country” in 2017, where Gro Harlem Brundtland was one of six former prime ministers who participated.

– Kristin Grue and Silje Storstein came to us with a larger series project on the political life of Gro Harlem Bruntland. The idea seemed inspired by “The Crown”. Since then, we’ve been briefed on a couple of occasions, but we didn’t know that the project was now limited to the ’70s, and such a narrow part of Gro Harlem Brundtland’s political life, says Mørland. It highlights that Brundtland is not officially involved in the project.

This is the first time a television drama has been made about Gro Harlem Brundtland and the recent history of the Labor Party.

Recently, the NRK series “Atlantic Crossing” has created a debate for its mixture of fact and fiction, in the history of the exile of Crown Princess Märtha in the United States during World War II.

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In the UK, the new season of the Netflix series “The Crown” has generated a similar debate. The series describes, among other things, the relationship between Queen Elizabeth and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher, who came to power in 1979.

Gro Harlem Brundtland became prime minister in 1981, after a much-discussed power struggle at the Labor Party leadership. Thus she became the first female Prime Minister of Norway.

The series will begin filming in fall 2021, reports NRK.

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