Away from state authorities: – It must be much harder – VG


FULL: People have been queuing for hours to attend what could be President Donald Trump’s last election rally. Photo: SPENCER PLATT / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

VALDOSTA / OSLO (VG) In front of thousands of voters, the president of the United States says Georgia deserves a secretary of state who “knows what he’s doing” and a governor who dares to be “much tougher.”

From the Valdosta rostrum, the outgoing president reiterates claims that he won the Georgia election and that there has been extensive electoral fraud in the state.

At the same time, he reached out to his party colleagues, Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, to do nothing more to ensure that he himself won.

He urges Republican voters to use the right to vote in what he describes as “the most important Senate election in American history,” but at the same time asks them to be vigilant.

– Make sure they don’t cast their votes. When the election authority brags about the number of votes it has already received, make sure you have a secretary of state who knows what he is doing, says Trump.

– And you also deserve a much tougher governor, continues the president.

Remember that those who win these elections get control of the Senate and, in practice, control of the country. They cheated and rigged the elections, but we won anyway.

Again, he presented no evidence. The Georgia census shows that Joe Biden won the state.

Thousands very close together

People of all ages across the United States have accepted what some believe may be Trump’s latest rally. Some have put children in strollers, others carry older people in wheelchairs.

It all happens at an airport just outside the small town of Valdosta. When VG entered the rally on Saturday night Norwegian time, it was already packed with people inside the gates.

As Trump spoke, they chanted “enough the robbery” and “four more years” in chorus as the president took breaks.

The VG team estimates that three to four thousand people are gathered in what is described as a very small area depending on the conditions.

This is happening at the same time that the corona infection is spreading at record speed in the US New York Times reporter Mike Baker writes that 2,885 deaths were reported in one day on Saturday. There is one death every 30 seconds. At the same time, 199,988 new cases and 100,226 hospital admissions were reported.

FIRST EVENT: US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania leave the White House ahead of their first campaign event since the presidential election. Photo: Al Drago / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

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Broadcasts to Trump’s Georgia rally from across the United States: – Most important rally

Many of those who have entered have been queuing since early this morning. Several of them yell “Stop the robbery!” in chorus. They all express that they are cursed by the result of the presidential elections.

There are many press people present. According to the VG team, they must use the password “Election rigged” to access the wireless network in the press room.

Governor called

There have been unrest in the state, including among Trump’s own party colleagues, prior to the president’s visit. Election authorities are angered by the president’s accusations of election fraud and incorrect results, while others are concerned that voters will boycott the Senate elections.

Sidney Powell of Trump’s legal team has asked for this, among other things. And if Republican voters do vote, it will naturally be harder for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to win.

ELECTION PARTY: Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler is honored during Saturday’s rally. Photo: STAN BADZ / EPA

Before the election campaign event, the president of the United States, according to various media, has continued to pressure the state and called Governor Brian Kemp. In the conversation, it is said that he tried to persuade Kemp to pressure the state assembly to reverse Biden’s victory.

Kemp’s spokesman, Cody Hall, confirmed that the governor spoke to the president, but when asked about the conversation, he said that Trump offered his condolences on the death of Harrison Deal, who was one of Republican Senator Kelly’s advisers. Loeffler.

Hall has previously told CNN that despite pressure from the president on Kemp to interfere in the election process, Georgia law prevents him from doing so.

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Trump called the governor of Georgia; allegedly tried to pressure him to reverse Biden’s win

Of all country

The rally was Trump’s first of its kind in a long time, and his supporters have traveled far and wide to participate. It wasn’t just people from Georgia present in Valdosta on Saturday.

Dale and Shawn Brooks spent 14 hours driving from Indiana to attend Trump’s first rally since the election.

– This is the most important rally, says Dale to VG and receives the support of her husband.

– We need to listen to our president and we must show him our love.

However, persuading the people of Georgia will be crucial for Republicans in the days ahead. The Senate election decides whether Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win a majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, or just the House.

Elections will be held on January 5.

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