Arild has to tear down the house for the ship tunnel, but she’s happy about it – NRK Vestland


– This is an easy day. Now I finally know what is happening, says Arild Teigen.

He has built the house on the Kjødepollen farm in Stad municipality with his own hands.

It will now be level with the ground. But Arild doesn’t despair, she can finally make plans for the next few years.

I’ve lived here in a vacuum for ten years, wondering what to do. Now I know what the future holds.

His house is in the middle of the Stad ship tunnel. Since the 1980s, villagers have lived in uncertainty: will it be a tunnel or not?

This week the clarification came. After years of deliberations, Frp secured the start of construction in the state budget.

Ship tunnel city

CHANGE THE BUILDING: The Stad Ship Tunnel gets its feature at Kjøde in Stad. Further north in Vestland County.

Photo: Norwegian Coastal Administration / Snøhetta

1 billion in transportation

The national transport plan states that Norway will spend NOK 1 billion on transport over the course of 12 years.

Across the country, this means that people have to move out of their homes to make room for roads, railways, and tunnels.

But from the time the blueprints appear until the shovel sinks into the ground, it can take a long time.

Meanwhile, the neighbors have to live in uncertainty.

In Stange, Arne Christian Konradsen knows that his house will have to move when the railway between Oslo and Hamar has a new track. You just don’t know when.

And in western Norway, people are excited about what the shuttleless E39 will have for the villages they live in.

Homeowners should receive compensation

The project leader for Stad’s ship tunnel, Terje Andreassen at the Norwegian Coastal Administration, has had many meetings with the owners.

In total, four residential houses are to be demolished. But after 30 years of debate and 20 state medical exams, the villagers can calm down.

– You can only try to imagine this uncertainty, says Andreassen.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration has compiled rates and information on owned domains.

– We have made a proposal for a memorable agreement on which we will negotiate with the owners. I hope you are satisfied. The starting point is compensation for the purchase value in the immediate area, says Andreassen.

Meat pollen

KJØDEPOLLEN: Here comes the Stad Ship Tunnel feature. More people now have to move because of the ship tunnel.

Photo: Alf Jørgen Tyssing / NRK

Mix feelings for father and son

– I think it’s good that the tunnel is coming, now we also have some government investment here on the coast, not just in the Oslo cauldron, says Arild Teigen.

But for his father, Kåre Teigen, it is worse. He must see that the farm he has bid for his entire life is destroyed.

– One fucking day. I think of my parents, grandparents and me, who built the farm. Now it’s over.

But the area must look forward.

– Now is the time to start over in a new place. I’m moving to the neighboring town of Bryggja, I have the land for the house ready, he says.

Arild teigen

FOOT IN MOTION: Arild Teigen has bought a new plot. You must move when the Stad Ship Tunnel is built.

Photo: Alf Jørgen Tyssing / NRK
