California approves election result: Biden gets the majority he needs – VG


The state of California approved the results of the November 3 presidential election. This means that 279 of Biden’s 306 electoral votes have been approved so far. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP / NTB

The state of California approved the results of the November 3 presidential election. Ensures incoming President Joe Biden gets more than 270 voters.

In total, Biden takes the votes of 55 California voters, and thus has 279 safe voters, according to the AP news agency census.

Although it has been clear for several weeks that Biden won the presidential election, securing more than the 270 voters needed to win the presidential election is an important step on the road to the White House.

– It’s a legal milestone. All of the above was based on what we call projections, says law professor Edward B. Foley at Ohio State University.

Important formality

This part of the election is often considered a formality, but the lesser-known mechanisms in the election of the American president have become more visible this year, as President Donald Trump refuses to accept defeat and still tries to change the outcome of choice through lawsuits.

There are still several states that have not finally approved the election result, but so far 279 of Biden’s 306 electoral votes have been approved.

The Trump campaign tried in vain to postpone approval of the result in the tipping states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and Wisconsin, but as of November 30, all of these states had approved the result.

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Meets December 14

The 538 voters, nominated by all 50 states and the capital, Washington, will meet on December 14 to formally vote for the next president. In principle, voters should vote for the candidate who receives the most support among the voters of the state to which the voters belong.

– As a practical matter, we now know that Joe Biden will take office on January 20, says Foley.

The result of the Electoral Assembly is scheduled for January 6 and Congress approves it that same day. Although elected representatives may refuse to accept the result of the electorate, it will be almost impossible to avoid Biden’s presidency at that time.

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