“Many are sitting now”


It was at a meeting on Tuesday that Ugland Jacobsen met with the powerful organizing committee of the Progress Party.

With him in the meeting, he had as support the former president of FRP, Carl I. Hagen, as confirmed by several sources to Dagbladet.

The subject of the meeting was a possible exclusion of the county leader, as Dagsavisen wrote yesterday.

– I can confirm that the organizing committee has a case on the table dealing with the county leader in Oslo Frp. Beyond that, we do not comment on the content, the working methods or the progress on the issues being discussed in the committee, says leader Alf Erik Andersen on the organizing committee.

On Thursday at 17.00, there will be a board meeting in Oslo Frp where the exclusion case is the subject. The county team can then give a statement to the organizing committee.

According to what Dagbladet understands, Siv Jensen will not attend the meeting, which is chaired by the Oslo FRP Vice President Andreas Meeg-Bentzen.

The reason is, among other things, that Ugland Jacobsen’s statements about Siv Jensen are the subject of the exclusion case and therefore she is covered by the case.

Siv Jensen herself does not want to comment on the exclusion case against her own county leader.

– THIRD PARTIES: Geir Ugland Jacobsen thought he was exposed to a lot of shit shortly before he stood for election as the new leader of Oslo Frp. Anyway, he won the elections. Reporter: Jørgen Gilbrant / Video: Lars E claim Bones
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Reed destruction and patriotism

Dagbladet has spoken with various sources in the Oslo party and with people with knowledge of the case. Several express surprise that the foreclosure case is coming up now, as it deals primarily with issues originating this summer and early fall.

The nomination meeting in Oslo Frp was supposed to be this weekend, but has been postponed until January 23. People have spoken to Dagbladet to point out that the leadership may have a desire to “clean up” the Oslo party before the nomination meeting.

There are two main reasons for the exclusion process that has been put in place against the county leader, Geir Ugland Jacobsen, as Dagbladet knows him:

  • Ugland Jacobsen’s opening to oust party leader Siv Jensen at the top of the Storting’s list for 2021.
  • Appearances of the county leader in the media where he advocates taking the Progress Party in the “national conservative” direction.

In an interview with Dagbladet in August, Ugland Jacobsen said that he has dropped the term national conservative and will instead use national liberalism.

Describe the fear

Geir Ugland Jacobsen has had repeated opportunities to speak in this case, but he tells Dagbladet that he thinks it is prudent not to speak publicly at this time.

Neither Carl I. Hagen nor Parliamentary Representative Christian Tybring-Gjedde will say anything about the exclusion proceedings against the county leader.

Dagbladet receives confirmation from various sectors that they now want to sit still for fear of being affected by new processes before the nomination meeting.

– Now it’s Ugland Jacobsen. Next time may be another. Of course, many are quiet now, as a source describes the situation.

– Fryktkultur “href =” https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/slar-tilbake-mot-siv-jensen—fryktkultur/72617568 “>

Strike Back Siv Jensen: - Culture of Fear

Strike back against Siv Jensen:
– Culture of fear

New ideology

Tybring-Gjedde was the first to argue that the Progress Party should change the ideology of the Liberal People’s Party to become a national conservative party. He did it in a TV 2 interview after bad local elections last fall.

A few months later, in February this year, the battle for the election of the leadership took place at the annual meeting of the Oslo Frp county. Later, the “patriot resolution” was adopted by a large majority, against the vote of party leader Siv Jensen. At the same time, Geir Ugland Jacobsen won the battle vote to become the new county leader against Andreas Meeg-Bentzen.

The goal of the “patriot uprising” in the Progress Party has been – and is – to take the party in a more “Norwegian first” direction in contrast to the “globalism” they believe is led by party leader Siv Jensen. Only in this way can the Progress Party once again reach old heights.

– FRP should go back a bit to the fact that we must first and foremost take care of Norwegian society and not be globalists. Too many are talking about solving problems around the world and not solving problems for the Norwegian people, Carl I. Hagen said when he launched a wish at Dagbladet to return to the Storting next year.

Siv: – No disagreement

FRP leader Siv Jensen first commented on the “patriot resolve” and desire for a new direction for Dagbladet at the county’s annual meeting this winter.

He cautioned against adopting the resolution, saying it would lead to an artificial process in the party alongside the normal process of the program.

“We have always put the interests of Norway and the Norwegians first and of course we will continue to do so for years to come,” Jensen told Dagbladet.

– If this is not problematic, why didn’t you vote in favor?

– The decision is to have a completely different process than the program process that FRP normally has, which will be led by Sylvi Listhaug. It is an open process that involves all the teams in the match. I voted against it for purely formalistic reasons. Politically, I don’t think there is any disagreement in this case here, Jensen said.

Active in the media

Dagbladet receives confirmation from sources close to the process that the way the patriot line is addressed in the media is one of the complaints against Ugland Jacobsen, as it is not addressed through the program commission and there is a massive majority against a change of ideological line within the party.

During the summer, there was a commotion surrounding Ugland Jacobsen both in regards to the party’s ideology and the reluctance to reject Siv Jensen from the Storting. It is also noted that the Oslo leader “does not give up” but continues to keep things alive.

Among other things, Ugland Jacobsen appeared on Dagbladet in late summer and accused Siv Jensen of establishing a culture of fear in the party.

– I do not want a culture of fear in which you are afraid to point out what you defend or that you want a position. I am a true FRP. I am liberal, and a little more. Not accepting against candidates is at least not liberalism, Ugland Jacobsen told Dagbladet in response to Siv Jensen’s expectation that she, as the party’s leader, would top the Storting’s list.

Five other county leaders in the Progress Party signed an appeal shortly before the dissolution of the Oslo Progress Party, as was done with Bergen Frp. As Dagbladet understands, it would be very difficult as Oslo is a county team while Bergen is a home team.

Instead, it is now a process of exclusion of the county leader and one of the main exponents of the new political line of the Oslo party.
