Record Hash Seizure – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – Local News, TV and Radio


It was inside a warehouse in Kjørbekk in Skien that police arrested on Saturday 21 November a Norwegian and a Lithuanian, aged 25 and 52 respectively.

Between 700 and 800 kilos of hashish were found on a Polish-registered tractor with a trailer. If this is sold in small doses, we are talking about a value of up to 140 million crowns, according to the police.

– It is one of the largest hashish seizures ever made by the Norwegian police, says police lawyer Odd Skei Kostveit in the southeastern police district, to NRK.

Multiple people involved

In retrospect, the police arrested another Norwegian citizen. All the men are charged with serious crimes.

The penalty is up to 15 years and 21 years if it is proven that the crime was organized.

Odd Skei Kostveit

Lawyer for the police in the southeast police district, Odd Skei Kostveit, says the seizure has a street value of up to 140 million crowns.

Photo: Jannicke Møller Andersen / NRK

– The police believe that there are several people involved and therefore we cannot rule out the arrest of more people, says Kostveit.

Appears as organized

One of the hypotheses of the police is, according to Kostveit, that the hashish came with the Polish trailer. That way, it seems to be organized.

– We believe this is a seizure that is so large that it meets the need well beyond Grenland, Telemark and the southeast district. So this is for a bigger market, a bigger part of the country. We must assume that.

Cannabis seizures in Skien

BIG SEARCH: According to the police, the hashish was easy to find on the premises.

Photo: Theo Aasland Valen

Kostveit cannot say anything about the history of the seizure itself.

They do not rule out that the culprits may come from the area.

– It shows that the world is not so big, says the police lawyer.

Where the drug is coming from is too early to say anything, according to police.

Telemark Police are leading the investigation of the case, with resources from various units in the district. Kripos also contributes to the case.
