14-year-old boy seriously injured in stabbing in Oslo:


The Storting representative Jan Bøhler was in Furuset to catch the bus to a meeting, when he suddenly found himself in the middle of a struggle to survive. A 14-year-old boy was pulled from a bus with severe knife wounds to the stomach.

A 15-year-old is charged with attempted murder after the incident.

– The ambulance had just arrived and worked to get the boy to the ambulance. It was terrible to see such a young child so badly injured, says Jan Bøhler clearly shocked.

Dagbladet met him at Furuset a few hours after the incident.

– It is shocking. I realize that it hurts everything to see those things. I sincerely hope it’s okay, says Bøhler.

He has spoken with several close to the situation and tells of violent impressions and very serious injuries.

– I’m so worried about using a knife. Unfortunately, there are many who go with a knife and then also situations in which the violence occurs much more serious, says Bøhler.

Bøhler is concerned with preventing violence in children and youth settings and has tried to promote an action plan in the Storting. It was voted against.

– I really miss the understanding that we must take much stronger action against children and young people who use a knife, says Jan Bøhler.


Police moved to the Furuset center today after reports of the boy injured on the bus.

“We were able to talk to the injured and we knew what had happened and where,” says operations manager Arve Røtterud.

According to the police, the stabbing took place in the Lindeberg center next to the pharmacy. While Dagbladet was talking to the task leader, he searched for a patrol of dogs in a crowd around the scene.

POLICE: Operation leader Arve Røtterud in the center of Lindeberg after a serious stabbing in which a 14-year-old boy was seriously injured.  Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet

POLICE: Task leader Arve Røtterud in central Lindeberg after a serious stabbing in which a 14-year-old boy was seriously injured. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet
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– There have been several young people who met and there was a hopeless case. It ended up with one who was left behind, injured after being stabbed, says Røtterud.

According to the police, the youths ran in different directions.

– Now we have control over a child under 18, says the leader of the task.

The 14-year-old boy who was seriously injured escaped by getting on a bus. There he sat as the bus passed three stops.


The police have several names on the block and expect to make more arrests tonight and tomorrow.

– We are at Lindeberg School, Bretvedt School and Jericho School. The backdrop is that something happened this weekend that perhaps should take revenge today, says Arve Røtterud.

Sources tell Dagbladet that there must have been a fight that was the reason for the incident.

TACTICAL: A dog patrol searched downtown Lindeberg in search of the brutal stabbing.  Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet

TACTICAL: A dog patrol searched the Lindeberg center in search of the brutal stabbing. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet
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The preventive team and the intelligence department at Stovner Police Station are investigating the case further.

The boy who was stabbed was seriously injured, but should now be out of danger.

According to the task leader, the police have a good overview of several named youths in the settings.

Pressure cooker

Several people with a good view of the youthful environments on the eastern edge are now sounding the alarm. Sources tell Dagbladet that it is boiling over and there are many conflicts going on.

The boxing legend on IQ and self-therapy

The boxing legend on IQ and self-therapy

Two weeks ago, a 16-year-old boy was stabbed in Trosterud. The episode of violence is part of a long series of serious incidents during 2020.

Several point to the status of the crown as an important factor in negative development.

The leisure clubs in Oslo are closed to young people between the ages of 13 and 18.

From his window at Furuset Forum, the headquarters of the sports association Alnaskolen and Furuset, Rune Gjelberg could follow the drama on the bus from his office window. He is very concerned about the situation of the youth of the district.

PREVENTION: Rune Gjelberg runs Alnaskolen at Furuset, which offers training and courses to young people and people who want to get out of criminal activity.  Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet

AVOID: Rune Gjelberg runs Alnaskolen at Furuset, which offers training and courses to young people and people who want to get out of criminal activities. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet
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– It is scary to see that the young now join the old, says Rune Gjelberg. His organization works with prevention in Furuset and has several people on the streets to talk to young people.

– We try to collect the youngest to give them another alternative, but as a private organization there are financial limitations in relation to how much we can do, says Gjelberg.

He’s concerned about the defection sports teams are now experiencing during the shutdown.

20200101: Police forcefully moved to Furuset after a serious stabbing in the center of Lindeberg, where a 14-year-old boy was seriously injured.  Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet

20200101: The police moved in force to Furuset after a serious stabbing in the center of Lindeberg, where a 14-year-old boy was seriously injured. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet
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– We will lose many. It is not done in a jiffy to get young people back in organized sports. For many, sport is socially important. For some, it can feel like a dream of a sports career has been shattered, Gjelberg tells Dagbladet.

– After the first crown period, we agreed that the last thing we should do was to take closer measures for children and young people. It is absolutely crucial that young people in these areas have safe places to be together, says Jan Bøhler. Calls for the closure of the juvenile measures to be quickly reconsidered.
