Viral, United States | Metal monoliths create wonders on every side of the world


Two monoliths, one in Utah and one in Romania, are causing local authorities to scratch their heads in both places.

Yesterday, Nettavisen reported on a mysterious metallic object that generated speculation around the world after it was discovered in the desert of the state of Utah in the US.

Some thought that it could be aliens who had left the monolith there, while several thought that it was an artist who had made it and placed it in the desert. After this, the mystery took a new turn, when according to local authorities yesterday it disappeared without a trace:

“We have received credible reports that the illegally installed object, called a ‘monolith,’ has been removed from BLM lands by an unknown party, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wrote on Twitter.

Now the mystery has gotten even stranger. At one point or another in the past few days, a similar monolith has appeared near a tourist attraction in Romania, nearly 10,000 kilometers away, several media outlets report, including the Romanian newspaper Adevarul.

(For the record: the online newspaper has verified this, and this is not exactly on the opposite side of the earth)

– We have begun to investigate what appears to be a monolith, says Rocsana Josanu, spokesperson for the authorities for culture and cultural heritage in the area, to Adevarul.

The object was found a few meters from the historic Petrodava Dacian fort, a well-known archaeological monument.

– It is on private property, but we still do not know who owns the monolith. It is located in a protected archaeological site. Before someone installs something there, they need a permit from us, a permit that must be approved by the Ministry of Culture, says Josanu.

See the video of the monolith in Romania here:

The two monoliths apparently have similarities and something that separates them. Both, according to photos and testimonials, are made of a metal shape and are triangular in shape. At the same time, the one in Romania is not completely shiny on the surface, as it was in Utah, but is marked by a long series of “loops.”

It was a sheep pilot helicopter pilot, Bret Hutchings, who first discovered the Utah monolith.

“It’s the strangest thing I’ve come across in all my years as a pilot,” he told The Guardian.

Hutchings further said that the object appeared to be man-made and was well planted in the ground.

“I guess he’s a ‘new wave’ artist or something like that, or someone who was a huge fan of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey,’ Hutchings said.

The monolith and its surroundings resemble a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film, in which a group of monkeys come across a heavy plate.


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