Donald Trump – Harassment with Trump:


President Donald Trump’s time in the White House is soon ending, although he does not want to admit it himself. Joe Biden has been declared the winner and has been formally notified that the Trump administration transition process can begin.

HOLY: The President of the United States attended a conference call with members of the US military during the Thanksgiving celebration. There was a great atmosphere. Photo: AP.
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On Friday night, Trump also promised to leave the White House on January 20, if the Electoral College votes for Biden, but at the same time he thought it would be a mistake. He still won’t admit defeat.

“It’s going to be a very difficult thing to do: admit defeat,” Trump said.

It has been more than three weeks since Election Day, but Trump maintains that he is the rightful winner of the election and claims that the election has been rigged and cheated. This despite the fact that this year’s presidential elections have been described as the safest in history.

A big unanswered question is whether Trump will run for re-election in 2024. Several US outlets reported last week that he is planning a comeback, but so far he has not confirmed it himself.

CHRISTMAS TRADITION: Melania Trump receives this year’s Christmas tree in front of the White House. It has caused more people to react on Twitter. Video: The White House. Reporter: Madeleine Liereng / Dagbladet TV
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Ask Trump to acknowledge the loss

Now, two comedians, who have apparently grown tired of Trump not acknowledging defeat, have bought the domain, according to The Guardian. They have launched a website featuring a fictitious quote from the president: “I lost the 2020 election.” They also ridicule the president because he still raises money for his legal team.

Comedians Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler have been hounding Trump for some time and have some suggestions on how the president can gain dominance. They have proposed a billion dollar swap. If the president is willing to acknowledge electoral defeat on Twitter, there is also the possibility of obtaining dominance, according to the comedians.

Selvig and Stiefler have also had a lot of fun at the expense of Donald Trump’s juniors. Among other things, they have made false US Army recruitment announcements with a photo of a young man. It seemed like he was encouraging people to enlist, while at the same time making it clear that he wasn’t going to. Posters were hung at a defense racing center in New York, The Hill wrote in October.

Library parody

But Selvig and Stiefler aren’t the only ones hounding the president. On Wednesday night, the website will automatically go to Donald Trump’s Wikipedia page.

Fast Company business magazine has also uncovered an impressive parody on a website of Trump’s “future presidential library.”

Here are a few that have really played, but the website design itself appears to be professional. The building’s design is presented in digital floor plans, and there are extensive “exhibit” descriptions that explore the legacy of management.

- Trump's Shameful Circus Continues

– Trump’s Shameful Circus Continues

According to Fast Company, the website was designed by a New York-based architect who wishes to remain anonymous. He bought the domain in 2016, shortly after Trump won the election.

In the fictional library you can find exhibits on, among other things, tax evasion, a memorial site for the victims of the crown and a Twitter gallery.

– You will be able to shed light on your presidency in your own way, in your own version of reality. I found out that someone should balance it before they have a chance to hammer it into stone, says the architect.

Tricked by the fake Greta

Tricked by the fake Greta

The campaign’s telephone nightmare

Shortly after Election Day, Trump’s camp set up a hotline to urge people to call with reports of suspicious incidents and voter fraud.

According to the Washington Post, the phone line was disrupted by teens, comedians and other pranksters after a viral campaign on TikTok and Twitter.

According to ABC News, the hotline was a nightmare for campaign employees, who were bombarded with pointless calls from people who ridiculed them for Biden’s victory or made up fictitious stories about voter fraud.
