The coffin was transported out of the presidential palace – VG


BUENOS AIRES (VG) Maradona’s coffin has been transported outside the presidential palace. Large crowds follow the procession.

Around 9:45 p.m., the procession prepares to transport Maradona’s coffin outside the presidential palace. Follow the live broadcast on VGTV!

VG is present in Buenos Aires where the atmosphere is electric when the procession goes out into the street.

The procession consisted of a flower-adorned car followed by a stretcher and several other cars. People flock and run after cars. The stretcher itself is guarded and closely followed by a dozen police motorcycles.

Along the road there are people everywhere saying goodbye to Maradona with shouts, flags and songs.

Tonight, a large crowd ran towards a place where a helicopter landed. Here it is assumed that Maradona’s body will be transported.

People threw bottles at police cars in the square, and sometimes it was a great nuisance for the police to stop the crowd.

The queuing system collapsed after it was initially decided that the seam on Maradona’s coffin stretched three hours earlier tonight. No one let in and sewing was interrupted. Authorities officially announced that the sewing has been completed and that Maradona’s coffin will be transported by police car and motorcycles from the scene.

Just after 8 pm, the police fired rubber bullets into the crowd. Several are injured, TN reports.

The TN television channel reported riots on Avenida 9 de Julio throughout the night of Thursday, where people tried to reach the Casa Rosada where Maradona’s coffin is displayed.

I WANT TO SAY GOODBYE: Nerera López and her friend Martín in front of the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires. Photo: Hilda Nyfløt

Nerera López was still outside the palace with her friend Martín, and she hopes to enter and say goodbye to Maradona. – Claudia (Maradona’s ex) has said that she doesn’t want anyone to get hurt.

– We are standing here waiting and waiting for us to enter, he told VG.

LONG IN LINE: Julieta López and her boyfriend Tomás Fox had been in line since 12 in the morning today. Photo: Hilda Nyfløt

VG also met the couple Julieta López and Tomás Fox, who had the queue for six hours. It was just before their turn to enter the palace that chaos broke out.

– It is impossible to control this, there are so many people. It’s a shame that all the Argentine people have to pay the price when a few create chaos, López says.

– There are families among us who want to enter, but on the avenue the police began firing rubber bullets. I don’t think they will let us in now, some people have had a lot of alcohol. But we’ll stay a little longer to see, he says.

VERY SAD: Brian Ruda has sat in the shade and has his head in his hands. He’s very sad, he says. – I’ve been in the queue since 12 o’clock, I was only 20 meters from the entrance when the queue dissolved, he says. People are misbehaving and now I feel sad. I was so excited to come and say goodbye, I’ve been queuing for hours to do this, he says. Photo: Hilda Nyfløt

Just after 6 p.m., a line closed and the television channel showed images of police officers firing into the air to disperse the crowd. Several have been arrested and VGTV footage shows injured people being carried away. Also early Thursday, there were riots in connection with the dismissal.

Firefighters threw water into the air so people could cool down. There were also riots at the entrance to the presidential palace. People tried to cross the barricades of the palace, where the military police have taken up positions to calm the mood.

The atmosphere in the Presidential Palace on Thursday night was much more intense than at the beginning of the day.

Initially, there was only a little over an hour and a half left of the sewing of Maradona’s coffin, and despair began to mount among those who fear they will not be allowed to say goodbye. Then came the message that the sewing will last three hours. However, this was reversed and the crowd was enraged.

After the casket left the main avenue and headed toward the cemetery, the mood calmed among Maradona fans downtown.

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