Coronavirus: – warns Johansen


On Monday, significantly fewer new cases of infection were recorded in Oslo than on the same day last week. Councilman Raymond Johansen allows himself to be cautiously optimistic, while also cautioning.

– The level of infection is still high, but we see that growth has stabilized a bit. It can be said that there are grounds for cautious optimism. Perhaps now we have managed to stop the dramatic rise, Johansen tells Dagbladet before warning:

– At the same time, we see that the proportion of positive tests is higher than ever. We test about 2,500 people every day and the rate of positives is around 7.2 percent. Furthermore, the number of hospitalizations and deaths is increasing somewhat. Therefore, the situation in Oslo has yet to be characterized as serious.

OPTIMIST: Councilmember Raymond Johansen allows himself to be cautiously optimistic.  Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

OPTIMISTIC: Councilmember Raymond Johansen allows himself to be cautiously optimistic. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB
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Does not apply to relax

Last week, the city of Oslo decided to introduce measures targeting young people and upper secondary schools. This is because we are seeing the largest increase in the number of new cases of infection among 13-19 year olds. At the moment, it is not relevant to relax any of the measures.

– It is not relevant to relax the measures with current infection rates. We must continue the work until we see a further decline. Most of the indications are that we will have to live with most measures for a while longer, and if infection rates rise again, further measures may be necessary.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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christmas celebration

The leader of the city council recalls that if we had not introduced the measures against the spread of covid-19 in Oslo, the infection situation would probably have been dramatically worse. Just look at other European cities, he says.

Johansen says one should be careful when traveling now that Oslo is under social lockdown. At the same time, he says that the Oslo municipality hopes to reduce the number of infections so that he can go home at Christmas.

This makes the crown with the body

This makes the crown with the body

– Traditionally, you visit different parts of the family at Christmas: little Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, the first day of Christmas and the second day of Christmas. It is associated with great activity. This year it will be important to comply with the assembly ban, keep your distance and stay home if you are sick. The better we are complying with the measures before Christmas, the greater the probability that we can celebrate Christmas in the most ordinary way possible, says the leader of the town hall and continues:

– But it is completely unlikely that the Christmas celebration will be completely as usual, not only in Oslo, but in many places. It is bad if the Christmas celebration causes an increase in infection.

COVID-19: These are the symptoms of the coronavirus, which since December 2019 has spread from China and around the world. The outbreak is classified as a pandemic. SOURCES: WHO, FHI, NHI and FIXED PHOTO: NTB Scanpix. VIDEO: Switch to Vellene.
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Measures and prohibitions

Strict measurements over time can lead to population measurement fatigue. Johansen would like to congratulate the people of Oslo for their compliance with the measures thus far.

– I am incredibly happy for the strong support and understanding of our measures. There is no doubt that they are intrusive in people’s lives. Compliance indicates that everyone understands the severity associated with this situation.

Johansen will also commend the police for cracking down on those who break the crown’s bans.

– Although most people are good at following the rules, I am very happy that the police keep track of crimes. Several private meetings were halted this weekend and fines were announced for those who participated. This means that if you violate these prohibitions, you run the risk of prosecution. It is demanding, but correct.
