60 NTNU students suspected of cheating on exams


Of the 700 NTNU students who took the exam at home this spring in a programming course, about 60 are suspected of cheating.

Several NTNU students are suspected of cheating. Photo: Ole Martin Wold / NTB

According to Universitetsavisa, the Object Oriented Programming course TDT4100 is applied. It is about 30 cases, in which students are suspected of cheating as a couple.

So far, 14 cases have been brought to the Appeals Board with suspicion of cheating, claims the central NTNU administration, while the rest are still being considered.

Vice Dean Roger Midtstraum of the College of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering emphasizes that a final conclusion cannot be drawn until it is clear how many are convicted of cheating.

– But if it turns out that many students have cheated on the exam, I will be disappointed at the breach of trust that this represents, says Midtstraum.

Most of the other exams in the faculty this spring were completed with pass / fail rather than grading. Associate Professor Hallvard Trætteberg is not to say that they were naive in looking for a graded exam form.

– It’s getting too easy. I think well of the students at the same time that I am realistic. We knew in advance that an unknown number would use illegal methods. You can be disappointed without being naive, says Trætteberg.
