Madeleine (35) crown ill for the second time


Swedish Madeleine Larsen (35) says she is infected with corona for the second time this year.

It was Värmlands Folkblad who mentioned the case for the first time.

– I was only tested with the antibody test this spring, which was positive. This time I’m positive about the covid-19 test, she tells Dagbladet.

At the end of February, he was not allowed to perform a covid test, because in Värmland it was only available for hospitalized or medical personnel. Therefore, he went to the doctor after a while to get an antibody test.

The Swedish Public Health Agency states that if you have antibodies to the coronavirus, it is assumed that you will have milder symptoms if you contract the virus again.

Now Larsen is infected again.

MANAGE: In this model you will see how to stop corona infection. Manufactured by Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. An idea from Dagens Nyheter.
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Many symptoms

The 35-year-old has been in bed for more than a week.

– I was hoping that the second round wouldn’t be as long as the first, which lasted a little over eight weeks, he says.

The last three weeks of the sickness period this spring were the worst, Larsen says. Then he had a high fever, pain in his lungs, and pressure in his chest. He also had joint pain.

– There were so many weird symptoms. This time I feel it the same way in my lungs. Now I have had a terrible cough, body aches, headaches, and a lack of sense of taste and smell.

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The Norwegian Institute of Public Health includes fever, cough, wheezing, headache, lethargy, decreased sense of smell or taste, muscle aches, and sore throat on its list of common coronary symptoms.

Larsen hopes he will recover faster this time. She thinks that the way the body reacts to the virus is very individual.

– Some do not realize that they are infected. But I really hope this doesn’t last long. Today I feel a little better. But since I know how it was the last time, where there were also days when I felt healthy, I don’t dare to believe the best in this case.

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Loose hammering against Tegnell: – illusions


In Sweden, you must be in isolation for seven days from the first symptom, where the last two days must be asymptomatic and in good general condition. Larsen doesn’t think it will stick.

– I won’t risk infecting anyone if I leave too early.

She is very concerned about infecting others.

– Not everyone can handle this virus. Some don’t get sick at all, some get a little sick, then there are those who get seriously ill and die. I’ll stay home until I’m sure I’m healthy.

In Sweden, more than 208,000 people have been infected with the virus and more than 6,000 have died, according to figures from the Public Health Agency.

In recent months, there have been several cases in which people have been infected with the coronavirus twice.

The first confirmed case of reinfection was discovered by researchers at the University of Hong Kong in August. The patient was a young man who four months earlier had suffered a covid-19 infection with mild symptoms. The man tested positive for the second time after being in Spain, but had no symptoms.

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Several cases

Madeleine Larsen is not the first in Sweden to be infected a second time. In October, the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg confirmed a case in which a woman (53) had been infected with corona twice.

Anne Spurkland, an immunologist and professor in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo, had previously told Dagbladet that she is not surprised that it is possible to get infected multiple times. but we must wait to see how important it may be to the pandemic.

BNO News has compiled an overview of the number of confirmed reinfections around the world. Here 26 cases have been registered.

The last case was registered on November 21 and it involves a 21-year-old woman from South Korea. He had mild symptoms in both periods of illness.

South Dakota in the United States is investigating 28 cases of possible reinfection, confirms state epidemiologist Joshua Clayton to local media. None of these have been confirmed so far.

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The latest confirmed reinfections, according to BNO News:

  • November 21: 21-year-old woman in South Korea. Mild symptoms
  • November 10: Woman (30) in Belgium. Mild symptoms
  • October 16: Woman (53) in Sweden. Mild symptoms
  • October 14: 62-year-old man in Spain. He had a course of serious illness during the second period of infection.
  • October 12: Woman (89) in Holland. He had moderate symptoms the first time, then severe illness the second time.