Biden has been formally informed that the presidential transition can begin – VG


ONGOING: Joe Biden leaving a video meeting with several US mayors on Monday. He currently works from his transitional headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. Photo: JOSHUA ROBERTS / REUTERS

The head of the General Services Administration (GSA), Emily Murphy, has been criticized for spending too much time approving Joe Biden as president-elect of the United States. In a letter to the incoming president, she denies having been subjected to pressure.

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is responsible for recognizing the winner of the election so that the person assuming the office of president can begin the transition process to prepare for the position.

GSA late Monday night according to CNN informed Joe Biden that the formal transition to his administration could begin. It appears in a letter sent by the agency’s director, Emily Murphy, to the incoming president.

This means that Biden and his team will now have access to funds and premises from the authorities as they prepare to assume responsibility in two months. They also have the opportunity to meet with the intelligence services and the incumbent administration.

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– Not based on fear

GSA Director Emily Murphy has been criticized for denying approval. It typically takes place shortly after the election result is ready, and there has been speculation that she was pressured to delay approval while Donald Trump and his team challenge the election result in court.

APPOINTED BY TRUMP: Chief of the General Services Administration (GSA), Emily Murphy. Photo: Susan Walsh / AP

The legislation is unclear when the GSA should recognize the winner of the election, but the use of time this year has drawn criticism from various quarters, including some Republican senators.

I the letter to which CNN has been given access Murphy, who was appointed by Trump in 2017, denies being pressured:

– Know that I made my decision on my own, in accordance with the law and available factual information. No official, including those working in the White House or the GSA, pressed me directly or indirectly as to the substance or timing of my decision, he writes, adding that he has not been ordered to delay Biden’s approval.

“Contrary to what various media outlets report and imply, my decision was not based on fear or favoritism,” he continues.

Trump claims he has given the green light

Shortly after the letter was published, US President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that he would like to thank the head of the GSA for her loyalty to the United States. He also claims that he has given Murphy and his team the green light for approval.

– She has been harassed, threatened and abused – and I do not want this to happen to her, her family and our employees at GSA. Our case continues STRONG, we will continue the fight, and I believe that we will win, write and continue:

– Regardless, depending on what is best for the country, I recommend Emily and her team do what needs to be done according to the protocols, and I’ve told my team that they should do the same.

Murphy writes in her letter to Joe Biden that she has received various threats on the Internet, by phone, and by email, both against herself, her family, employees, and pets.

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Yohannes Abraham, head of the transition process for Biden and his vice president Kamala Harris, says that Murphy’s decision was a necessary step for them to begin to deal with “the challenges facing the United States.”

“In the coming days, we will begin meeting with government officials to discuss handling the pandemic, gain an overview of our national security interests, and gain a full understanding of the Trump administration’s attempts to erode government agencies,” it said in a statement published by The Guardian.

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He has asked Trump to start the transition process

Donald Trump has been widely criticized for failing to recognize the outcome of the election, and several prominent Republicans have criticized him for delaying the transition process.

My hope is that President Trump will be proud of his significant accomplishments, put the country first, and plan for a swift and orderly transition to help the next administration succeed. When you live in public, people remember the last thing you did, wrote Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander. on Twitter Monday, shortly before GSA approval.

Also Louisiana Republican Senator Bill Cassidy write on Twitter which recognizes Joe Biden as the President-elect of the United States.

– I voted for Trump, but Joe Biden won. The transition should start for the good of the country.

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