When the Norwegian health chief heard the T word, he put his foot down. Taiwan’s foreign minister now has two reasons to be furious at Norway.


– We are disappointed, upset and angry, says the country’s foreign minister to Aftenposten.

Ministerial Councilor Bjørn-Inge Larsen chaired one of the committees during the annual summit of the World Health Assembly. It hit everyone who wanted to talk about Taiwan. Screenshot of who.int

Bjørn-Inge Larsen was kind but strict in her voice when she spoke at the world health summit last week:

– I suggest we let … stop this video. Thank you. This is in accordance with the regulations.

And suddenly the mail of the Pacific nation Palau was replaced by a photo of a dressed Larsen, who was sitting in front of a gray curtain and a bouquet of flowers.

– I encourage Palau to present its contribution in writing, concluded the Norwegian health summit.

Larsen chaired parts of the annual summit of the World Health Assembly (WHA), which is the governing body of the World Health Organization (WHO). Due to the pandemic, the meeting was held online, with the participants on their respective screens in their respective countries.

Several times, former health director Larsen, who is currently a ministerial adviser in the Ministry of Health and Care Services, had to intervene to prevent delegates from other countries from completing their positions.

Each time it was because they brought up a very hot topic:


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