Merkel asks G20 leaders for more support for WHO – E24


German Head of State Angela Merkel called for increased support for both the Covax vaccine collaboration and the World Health Organization (WHO) when speaking at the G20 summit.

MORE: Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel believes richer countries will have to unite more closely in a joint fight against the pandemic.



The leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies, the so-called G20 countries, gathered Saturday in front of their respective screens for a two-day summit.

– If we stick together around the world, we can control and defeat the virus and its consequences. There has also been more effort, Merkel said in her prerecorded speech.

A global challenge can only be handled with global efforts, he emphasized. He called on G20 partners in Germany to increase funding for Covax, which has already received a contribution of almost NOK 45 billion.

– We need more reliable funding, better cooperation and more independence, said the German head of state about the WHO.

Before the weekend, Prime Minister Erna Solberg also called on G20 countries to contribute significant sums to ensure that everyone has access to corona tests and vaccines.

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Reuters: EU may have to pay 90 billion for corona vaccines

Trump left early to play golf

Outgoing US President Donald Trump left the G20 summit after less than two hours and headed to the golf course instead, according to journalists accompanying him.

Trump spent the first hour tweeting about national policy issues that had little to do with the G20 conference.

Sources tell DPA news agency that Trump got Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin and economic adviser Larry Kudlow to act on his behalf.

The president himself went to his own golf club in Virginia, but the plan is for him to attend the second and final day of the summit on Sunday.

HOLE SEARCH: Donald Trump decided to prioritize golf this Saturday. Here it is at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia.

Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP

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