Mario Riera: – Hospitalized


Reality Profile Mario Riera (22) has long been open about living with ulcerative colitis, a chronic intestinal disease. In 2019, Riera told Dagbladet that she was diagnosed as being 17 years old, just before she entered the military.

He then decided to talk about the disease in hopes of reducing the taboo around bowel disease.

Riera has previously written on her blog that illness sometimes controls her daily life, and that on the worst days she does not even come to the store once.

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There is no doubt that intestinal disease greatly affects the daily life of the reality profile, and he has now been admitted to the hospital after taking blood samples earlier this week, writes TV 2.

– But I delayed it. I feel sicker from being in the hospital, so it takes a lot for me to get in. But then the doctor called and told me that I had to understand gravity and that it could be dangerous to my health, the 22-year-old told the channel.

Opens up about taboo disease

Opens up about taboo disease

Can defecate

The channel writes that Riera was admitted to St. Olav Hospital in Trondheim on Friday and that she is at risk of having her intestine removed if her condition does not improve.

– It’s not the end of the world. It can make my life easier and maybe give me more joy in life. If the doctors think it’s better, I just have to try to be positive, he tells TV 2.

The 22-year-old says he hopes he won’t have to defecate and that the medication he’s taking will help. He will also be hospitalized for a time, he informs the channel.

Riera tells Dagbladet that she is having a hard time, but that she is in a good mood and appreciates the overwhelming support from near and far. The 22-year-old will undergo a series of tests in the near future, and then he will get more concrete answers.

– I am in the best hands and surrounded by incredibly talented people who really know their work, it moves you less. I’m keeping my spirits high and hope to meet the family soon in Bergen, says the 22-year-old.

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Mario Riera, currently featured in “71 degrees north – Norway’s toughest celebrity”, chose to appear with the disease in 2019. He participated in “Paradise Hotel” the same year, and has also been seen in “Ex on The Beach” .

On the blog, the 22-year-old wrote that the disease sometimes controls his daily life.

“Determine what I eat. And determine when I go to the bathroom. Determine that I bleed from the intestine 6-7 times a week. Decide if I can sleep a whole night and decide if I can drink soda, for example,” he shared frankly.

REALITY PARTICIPANT: Mario Riera has participated in several reality shows.  Photo: Matti Bernitz / TVNorge

REALITY PARTICIPANT: Mario Riera has been on several reality shows. Photo: Matti Bernitz / TVNorge
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Varies a lot

According to Norwegian Health Informatics, ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the rectum and the lower part of the colon. The inflammation is found mainly in the intestinal mucosa, where ulcers form and bleeding occurs.

Daily life with the disease varies a lot, Riera explained to Dagbladet in 2019.

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Celebrity Crown Hair: – Terrible

While some days you can feel very bad and therefore have to stay home, other days you can feel perfectly fine. However, he always makes reservations about having a bathroom available and emphasized that it is important for him to have control over the disease himself.

– I have to have control over the disease. You can’t have control over me. And right now I’m leading the disease, Riera said at the time.

WOULD GIVE: Mario Riera had big plans to throw in the towel early in the “71 degrees north” participation. Video: Dplay / Red Carpet
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The 22-year-old also said he wanted to avoid defecating.

– It is often done to avoid developing cancer as a result of the disease as I understand it, but I hope to get rid of it.
