The SP budget is not yet ready, accused of political games


– It’s tangible. All other parties have presented their alternatives and shown what they want to prioritize. It’s almost as if one begins to wonder if Sp is waiting for us, says Frp’s vice president and fiscal policy spokesman.

Sylvi Listhaug is prepared to spend the weekend negotiating with the ruling parties about next year’s state budget. All the opposition parties have now presented their alternatives, with the exception of the Center Party.

REVEALED: It was the leader of the Center Party, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, who hid behind the disguise of “Fugleskremselet” and thus smoked on Saturday’s broadcast. Video: NRK
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– This is how Sp works now. They see what the others bring and then they put on a little, says Listhaug.

She is excited by how Sp keeps all of his promises.

– It will take a few billion, the promise they made to Norwegian, he says.

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Liberal Party fiscal policy spokesman Ola Elvestuen suspects there is a strategy behind the Center Party’s calendar.

Instead of focusing on their own budget, they position themselves based on what the rest of us do to improve ourselves in the areas that are important to them. It is not an alternative budget that they present, but a commentary on what the rest of us do, Elvestuen tells Dagbladet.

– It seems that the Center Party is more concerned with the political game than with presenting a comprehensive policy, he continues.

– Don’t delay

The leader of the SP, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, believes that the criticisms of the Liberal Party and the Green Party are strange. He promises that the party will not delay “even a second” the budget process in the Storting.

– Our budget alternative is 99 percent complete, but we now spend as much time as we can talking to representatives of the business community and employees. There is a complete crisis in the Norwegian economy and we want as good and up-to-date a plan as possible, says Vedum.

He believes that every year after 2013, the Center Party has worked more on the alternative budget than the other parties.

– Our budget has been the most complete and comprehensive. This is much of the reason why we have also come up with our alternative later. The other parties have submitted simpler documents, says Vedum.

It has become a problem of

It has become a problem for “everyone”

New record

The Center Party is expected to present its alternative state budget within the next week. It is one of the rarities that this happens so late; in fact, it is approaching a record.

Information Dagbladet has collected from the Storting shows that only once before, in 2017, was an alternative state budget presented until this year. Even then, the Center Party was the last.

At that time, the alternative budget was presented on November 23. But that year, the deadline for the financial framework was postponed to November 30. So it was a week since the alternate budget reached the finance committee that they should have completed their budget documents.

This year, the deadline for submitting the financial recommendation has been postponed until November 27. This means that Sp is therefore likely to break its own record for late deliveries, according to information from Dagbladet.

Second worst, but improvement for Støre

Second worst, but improvement for Støre


The Storting’s procedural rules state that the financial recommendation must be submitted before November 20, but Erna Solberg and company. only twice since the change of government in 2013.

With the exception of the first budget fall and last year when the four parties were together in government, there have been delays every year.

Solberg and Vedum at the Norwegian clinic

Solberg and Vedum at the Norwegian clinic

The leader of the SP, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, believes that it is completely irrelevant to voters that different parties present their alternatives.

– We will ensure that budget work is not delayed. Because it will go beyond ordinary people. In terms of public relations, we should have presented the budget and had a press conference a long time ago, but the Norwegian economy is serious now and we use the time we have available, he says.

Solberg and Vedum at the Norwegian clinic
