– Will not act again while the father is responsible for the race – VG


FIGHT: James Spears has been supervising Britney for 12 years. The daughter will now be done with it. Photo: AP Photo: AP

A Los Angeles judge refused Wednesday night to revoke James Spears’s role as guardian to his 38-year-old daughter Britney Spears.

The AP news agency reports.

During the trial, which took place in Los Angeles on Wednesday night Norwegian time, Judge Brenda Penny said she currently does not want to remove James Spears as guardian of her daughter, superstar Britney Spears.

The referee still has the opportunity to consider future requests from Spears’ camp to remove the guardianship.

The judge also approved Britney’s request that the Bessemer Trust be jointly responsible for her property with her father.

Background: Britney Spears asks court to remove her father as guardian

Britney’s attorney, Samuel D. Ingham, says according to the AP that they will continue their attempts.

– My client has informed me that he is afraid of his father. She will not act again as long as he is responsible for her career, she said in court.

Long legal battle

Since Britney’s public collapse in 2008, her father has been the guardian of her privacy and finances. What was envisioned as a one-year plan was expanded.

Last year, due to his own health problems, James Spears had to hand over responsibility to a temporary guardian, and Britney requested earlier this year that the temporary guardian, Jodi Montgomery, take responsibility permanently and stop the interference. his father’s.

So James Spears has objected to this.

Did you bring it with you? Britney wants to give the world an insight into her fight with her father

Attorney Vivian Lee Thoreen defended Britney’s father in court. She argued, among other things, that Britney, although her father has cared for her, has gone from being in debt to being worth more than $ 60 million.

Britney will get worse if the father is deprived of his responsibility, argued the lawyer.

– I think there is no hint of evidence to support my client being removed from this role, he continued, referring to statements that Britney should fear her father as gossip and rumors.

According to the AP, Britney Spears has previously said that the guardianship agreement was necessary when it was implemented and that it likely saved her career.

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