Full alarm sounded for new findings


Norwegian health authorities sounded the alarm when they received new information about a variant of the coronavirus called “cluster 5”, which originated in Denmark after the corona infection between mink and humans.

Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad tells Dagbladet that this weekend they received information from Denmark that changes have been found in the surface protein of the “group 5” variant.

It turns out that these changes mean that the antibodies have a reduced effect against “group 5” compared to the regular coronavirus. Therefore, the Norwegian health authorities fear that this variant could reduce the effect of a future coronavine vaccine.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Reporter: Marte Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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“Urgent matter”

This information prompted the Ministry of Health and Care Services to request the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Health Directorate to prepare a report on the situation in less than three hours on Saturday. The task was marked “very urgent”.

– The reason for the rush was that we received new information from Denmark about mutations of the coronavirus that has been transmitted from mink to humans, including a variant called ‘cluster 5’, Nakstad tells Dagbladet and continues:

– It turns out that antibodies have a reduced effect against this variant. This information means that we must be careful and contribute to the work of Denmark, so that this variant does not have a chance to spread.

The urgent report concludes that it is proportionate to introduce the following measures for people arriving in Norway from Denmark or who have been in Denmark during the last two weeks:

  • They should put themselves to the test when they come to Norway.
  • You must complete the quarantine for ten days from the date of arrival, according to the current rules, regardless of the test result.
  • They must inform the municipality where they are staying where they have been and that they are in quarantine.
WORRIED: Deputy Director of Health Espen Rostrup Nakstad. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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The situation in Denmark

In all, Denmark has detected 12 cases of the “group 5” variant in humans. Cluster 5 is just one of several variants of the coronavirus that have emerged after infection between mink and humans in the country.

Additionally, other mink variants of the virus have been detected in 202 people.

Norwegian health authorities have been aware of the prevalence of mink corona infection in humans in Denmark since the summer. But it is only now that they have received worrying information about the “cluster 5” variant. It is not yet known whether this variant has spread outside the North Jutland outbreak area.

– At present, there is no evidence that this variant is more or less contagious compared to the non-mutated coronavirus. But we have seen changes in the surface protein of this “group 5” variant that we are concerned about, says Nakstad and continues:

– These changes may mean that antibodies, obtained from a vaccine or after an infection, do not adhere to the virus and prevent it from multiplying.

COVID-19: These are the symptoms of the coronavirus, which since December 2019 has spread from China and around the world. The outbreak is classified as a pandemic. SOURCES: WHO, FHI, NHI and Helsenorge.no FIXED PHOTO: NTB Scanpix. VIDEO: Switch to Vellene.
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Will be mapped

In the future, the Norwegian health authorities will investigate in particular people arriving in Norway from Denmark. This is to map the spread of the “group 5” variant.

– We send all positive samples from people who have been to Denmark to the laboratories of the National Institute of Public Health for whole genome sequencing. This is how you can check for such variants of this virus in Norway. It is work that begins now, and we have not yet examined samples of people who have been to Denmark, says Nakstad and continues:

– But there is no strong evidence that this variant has spread outside the regions where it has been detected.

INFECT: Infection between mink and humans has caused mutations in the coronavirus. Photo: Mads Clausen Rasmussen / Ritzau / NTB
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Considered closure

Norwegian health authorities are considering closing the borders with Denmark as the UK has done. However, they concluded that there are special rules on quarantine, testing and reporting to municipalities.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has decided that more than 15 million minks will be urgently culled in Denmark to prevent the emergence of new, potentially more dangerous crown varieties.

– The coronavirus thrives in both bats and minks and humans. When the virus crosses species boundaries, the problem is that it can change and adapt to the new species. Then larger mutations can occur than when it spreads between people, Nakstad explains and continues:

– If these mutations have significant changes in the surface protein, then they can affect the immunity of people who have suffered from the common covid-19 disease. This may also have consequences for the effect of future corona vaccines.

DO YOU WASH WELL ?: Most Norwegians get away with this single most important measure of good health. Senior Advisor Nina Sorknes from the National Institute of Public Health shows you how to do laundry. Video: Lars E claim Bones
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Have confidence

Nakstad emphasizes that the Norwegian health authorities are confident that the Danish authorities’ measures against the spread of the variant will take effect.

– It is not certain that this variant of the virus will spread outside Denmark or that it will reach Norway in the coming weeks. But we can’t risk it staying in North Jutland, he says and continues:

– Norwegians do not have to follow advice other than what they already follow. If you are sick or have symptoms, you should get tested.

– What is your assessment of the situation?

– My assessment is that we must do everything possible so that this type of mutation does not spread further. Although we do not know if this variant of the virus is in Norway, or if there is a risk that it will reach Norway, we must be cautious as the consequences can be potentially great.
