Biden faces big challenges in the White House


However, the corona pandemic is the gravest challenge. Biden has said he will immediately launch a national strategy to get ahead of the coronavirus and end the pandemic crisis.

This includes nationwide rules on oral dressings, a plan for free and widespread coronary testing, increased production of medical devices in the United States, and ensuring future vaccines are free for everyone.

While Trump has threatened to fire infection control expert Anthony Fauci, Biden has vowed that he will remain in the job and, at the same time, stop the process of pulling the United States out of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The United States has been hit hard by the corona pandemic. More than ten million cases of infection have been registered in the country. Sunday was the fifth day in a row with more than 100,000 cases, and the United States is approaching 250,000 corona-related deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Controversy over the crisis package

Biden has also made clear that he will immediately prioritize ensuring an effective reopening of the economy, including demanding that Congress agree to a huge aid package for families and small businesses struggling as a result of the corona pandemic.

That package has long been stuck in Congress without any agreement being reached. But Democrats hope that Biden’s experience of persuading both Democrats and Republicans will ensure a breakthrough.

Biden will likely depend on this, as Democrats are unlikely to get a majority in the Senate. They only managed to win two of the five seats they hoped to fill and are therefore likely to be left with just 48 senators.

There is little hope that there will be a two-seat reelection in the Georgia Senate in January, which means that Georgia will be the center of attention for a fierce election campaign in the coming months.

Climate change

Biden has also promised to invest in renewable energy. Biden is planning a $ 2 billion plan to combat climate change. It includes a “pure energy revolution”, which aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

“The first thing I want to do is bring the United States back into the Paris Agreement,” he said at the first presidential debate in September.

President Trump decided to abandon the deal in 2017, but the decision only formally took effect less than a week ago.

Biden has also said that he will convene a climate summit for the world’s largest emitting nations where he will try to persuade them to support more ambitious promises.

Conservative Supreme Court

Biden must not only prepare to face an uncooperative Republican-led Senate. He also has to deal with a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, crowds of justices who can block laws, and an office full of Trump loyalists.

When it comes to the court system, Biden has said that he will establish a commission that will examine the system within 180 days. However, he has stated that he does not want to expand the Supreme Court, even though Trump has secured a clear conservative majority.

International cooperation

Several heads of state around the world have congratulated Biden on the victory. Many believe that a change of president can be important to combat challenges such as climate change and the corona pandemic.

Various countries’ relations with the United States have become more strained during Trump’s time as president, and many heads of state are likely expecting more stable cooperation from now on. For Europe, it is, among other things, about trusting the United States to fully support NATO.

So far, not many leaders have expressed disappointment over Biden’s election victory, but some leaders with a good relationship with Trump have waited until now to congratulate. Among them are Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the other hand, congratulated Biden and said that he considers Biden a friend of Israel.
