The coronavirus, municipality of Oslo | 137 new cases of infection in Oslo in the last 24 hours


On Friday morning, 137 new cases of infection were reported in Oslo in the last 24 hours. On Thursday morning the number was 102.

OSLO (Nettavisen): During the last 14 days, a total of 944 cases of infection have been registered, according to figures from the municipality of Oslo.

Also read: 495 new corona infections registered in the last 24 hours, the highest number so far

The Stovner district has the highest infection pressure in Oslo now with 213.1 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. In second place is the Søndre Nordstrand district with 202.2 cases of infection. In the Alna district, the number is 194.8.

Click the pic to enlarge.  This is how infection rates have developed in Oslo since September 21.  The columns show new cases of infection per day.

INCREASING: This is how infection rates have developed in Oslo since September 21. The columns show new cases of infection per day.
Photo: Trond Lepperød (Nettavisen)

– We must do everything we can

– We must do everything possible to avoid falling into the same situation as other large cities in Europe. Therefore, we must limit mobility and social contact in the future. It is important that we reduce the infection quickly to protect the most vulnerable among us. With a high infection, it becomes difficult to prevent infection among the elderly and other vulnerable groups, City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) said when he presented new and stricter infection control rules for Oslo on Thursday.

  • Mandatory for indoor bandages where a meter distance cannot be maintained in shops, in common areas of shopping centers, in restaurants, in religious and philosophical houses and in places of cultural, sports and leisure activities.
  • The obligation to wear a mask does not apply to those engaged in physical activity, nor to short passes by others.
  • It is mandatory to wear a bandage inside restaurants with alcohol service for visitors, when they cannot maintain a metro distance with other household members.
  • The obligation to wear a mask for visitors does not apply to short-term passes by others. Employees must wear face masks when staying in areas that guests have access to. For restaurants that do not serve alcohol, the same rules apply as for masks in public places.
  • Stop admission to nightclubs at 10pm This means that guests can stay at the nightclub they arrive at before 10pm and until it closes. There is a bar stop at 24 hours.
  • Having more than 20 people at indoor events without a fixed seating location is prohibited. The national rules are 50.
  • Mandate for a home office, which means that employers must ensure that employees work from home as much as possible.
  • Employers must be able to document that employees have been briefed on how it should be done in the company. The order applies to those who have a workplace in Oslo. Oslo residents who have a workplace in other municipalities must follow the rules of this municipality.

See the new regulation on the prevention of coronary heart disease in Oslo (PDF 0.4 MB)

Oslo measures continue

In addition to national infection control measures, the City Council continues the following Oslo measures:

Prohibition of private meetings with more than 10 people in private homes, prohibition of bandages in public transport when it is not possible to keep one meter away, bar stop from midnight, restrictions in extensive sports for adults, maximum 200 people in events indoor with fixed seats, maximum 200 people at outdoor events.


Infographic: this is the infection situation in Oslo

Click the pic to enlarge.  The map shows the infection pressure in Oslo now as infection cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

HIGH INFECTION PRESSURE: The map shows the infection pressure in Oslo now as cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.
Photo: (Municipality of Oslo)

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CROWN MEASURES: The fund price only allows the entrance of a maximum of 8 people to the store if the store has a maximum of 100 square meters.
