Increased spread of infection gives Trump trouble


In both Wisconsin and Iowa, the number of infected people is increasing dramatically, and the virus is also increasing in Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio. This is bad news for Trump, who has received strong criticism for his handling of the pandemic.

– President Trump still doesn’t seem to take the pandemic seriously, I wish he wouldsays history professor Gabe Loiacono, who for the first time in more than 20 years will vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.

Smitte i Wisconsin

In the home state of Loiacono, Wisconsin, where about 3 million votes were cast during the 2016 election, Trump won with just under 23,000 votes.

Trump is now just over 5 percentage points behind Biden in state, which according to opinion polls can be largely attributed to his handling of the corona pandemic.

So far, more than 206,000 people have been diagnosed with the virus in Wisconsin, which in the past week has seen the third-highest increase in the number of new cases of infection in the United States, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Control. Disease Prevention.

Stable career in Iowa

Also in Iowa, where Trump won 9.4 percentage points over Hillary Clinton four years ago, the infection has gathered momentum. The same is true of support for Democrats, and according to polls, there is now a virtual stalemate between Trump and Joe Biden.

Polls also show that more people are dissatisfied than satisfied with Trump’s handling of the state’s pandemic. This may have consequences for the outcome of the elections.

Rising fears of a corona infection could also contribute to low turnout on Election Day, hitting Trump more than Biden. Many more Democrats are voting early, while Republicans are expected to mobilize more on Election Day.


Trump is doing everything possible to de-dramatize the pandemic and stated during the last television debate with Biden that the worst is over and the virus will disappear.

He has reached out to America’s leading infection control expert, Anthony Fauci, who is far less optimistic and has cautioned against easing infection control measures.

The United States leads the world with more than 9 million deaths from corona infection and 232,000 corona-related deaths. This corresponds to 70 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, almost six times more than in Germany and 14 times more than in Norway.

– Fake news

The fact that Trump and several of his closest associates were infected did not help reduce Biden’s lead in the polls.

Trump accuses the media of exaggerating the pandemic in an attempt to deprive him of victory on November 3.

– All the fake news that the media will talk about is covid, covid, covidhe tweeted on Tuesday.

– November 4, you won’t hear much more about it. We have reached the top now, he continued.
