The Oslo School Wage Party: – Spend Millions on American Training


Shortly after the revelations about a director-level salary party, Dagbladet can now talk about the expensive training atop the Oslo school.

Dagbladet is aware that the Education Agency has spent NOK 2.5 million on leadership development and training since June 2019.

The coaching is based on American leadership principles and is called the Leadership Pipeline Institute (LPI). The philosophy is based on books by the American Steven Drotter.

Nesvik & Partners, led by Marita Nesvik, sells the services to the agency. Nesvik is the sole employee of the company and has a license agreement with LPI in Norway. He signed a framework agreement with the Education Agency in June 2019, shortly after Marte Gerhardsen took over the agency’s management from Astrid Søgnen.

In crisis year 2020, the agency has so far spent 850,000 crowns on Nesvik coaching, Dagbladet reports.

The agency confirms the sum.

Salary to the best in the Oslo school

Salary to the best in the Oslo school

Fortune 500 – and the municipality of Oslo

LPI is used by several of the largest companies in the world, many of them on the Fortune 500 in the United States.

«The Leadership Pipeline Institute specializes in helping organizations build their own internal line of qualified leaders, as well as creating a focus on decision-making authority, performance, and implementation capacity in organizations.»He writes LPI on his Norwegian website.

«The solutions are based on the latest research and global experiences from some of the most successful companies in the world.“, Keep going.

Add after salary rage

Add after salary rage

– Amazing

Hallstein Bjercke of the Liberal Party believes the case is another example of a lack of judgment in the administrative and political leadership of the Oslo school.

– This is almost unbelievable, says Dagbladet.

– Inga Marte Thorkildsen in the city council has transferred all responsibility to Marte Gerhardsen, a director who again we see has a total lack of judgment. I must say that now I am really worried about the Oslo school, he continues.

– 2.5 million is little money in relation to the total budgets of the agency?

– The amount of money is not the whole problem. The problem is also the way Thorkildsen and Gerhardsen make decisions and spend the money from the Oslo school. There are obviously good reasons to ask questions about the administration of the Oslo school, says Bjercke.

One of the country’s management authorities, BI Professor Bård Kuvaas, tells Dagbladet that he has not heard of the Leadership Pipeline Institute.

Races: - She has abdicated

Races: – She has abdicated

– Very unfortunate

The city council representative, Espen Andreas Hasle (KrF), doesn’t like what Dagbladet tells him either.

– This fits the pattern of an agency that is not aware of spending money. It’s very unfortunate, he says.

Hasle points to Dagbladet’s revelations about the director-level salary party at the agency, and worries that the Education Agency is now on a futile search. In particular, it reacts to the fact that the American business philosophy is used in the management of schools in Oslo.

– In American management research, salary is believed to be the most important motivator, and controversial at best. I want leaders in the Oslo school who are motivated by doing the best school in the world, not by their salary. I don’t think the agency uses resources to implement leadership training of the same model that big American companies use. It will likely give goal changes for what the school leaders are concerned about, Hasle tells Dagbladet.

Millions of scouts: - Idiot

Millions of scouts: – Idiot

– They get the best prices

Marita Nesvik from Nesvik & Partners gained access to the Education Agency through a tender.

He explains to Dagbladet the philosophy taught to Mars Gerhardsen and the rest of the directors of the Education Agency:

– The core of the leadership channel concept is that what is defined as good leadership varies with the level of leadership. So there are plenty of answers about what good leadership is, and LPI helps leaders understand what kind of leadership behavior is right for their level of leadership. Front-line managers must create values ​​and results in a different way than managers lead, for example. LPI’s management programs are very practical in orientation and are based on the daily operating life of managers. We train a very pragmatic understanding of the leadership role, says Nesvik.

Nesvik does not want to go into detail about what consulting services it has sold to the Education Agency.

– In general, we provide most of the services within leadership development and transition coaching, which help managers to fulfill the role they have in the best possible way. Many leaders bring with them behaviors from their previous role that are not beneficial in the new role.

– You are the only employee and have billed the agency 2.5 million. So is the Oslo school a good deal for you?

– I often use external resources as well, although I am the only permanent employee at Nesvik & Partners. In general, I can say that the public sector always gets the best prices from us.

Nesvik emphasizes that he had never met Marte Gerhardsen before winning the tender at the Education Agency.

Gerhardsen’s answer

Marte Gerhardsen writes in an email to Dagbladet that the Education Agency should spend as little as possible on consultants at the Education Agency and should prioritize skills development itself.

– In the training and development of managers, we are in the process of developing capacity, but it is not in place. That is why we have hired a consultant in this phase. The important thing is that our employees in the agency experience good and unified management in all parts of the organization, and that leaders receive support and training to be good leaders for their employees.

LESS SUPPORT: Prime Minister Erna Solberg believes that we can continue to intensify our efforts to maintain infection control rules. Photo: Jonas Andersen
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The pay party

The education agency is headed by Mars Gerhardsen. SV Councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen is politically responsible. The agency ended in bad weather after Dagbladet’s revelations about the director-level salary party.

Because while teachers at the Oslo school are encouraged to have strong salary restraint, several principals have received large salary increases, up to 140,000 crowns a year. This has generated strong reactions, both politically and from many teachers at the Oslo school.

The cases meant that the agency this weekend changed procedures for salary increases among the many directors.

Recently, the agency also hired the top and went from 22 to 28 directors, despite promises to the contrary. The average salary for directors is at least NOK 1.1 million.

Dagbladet recently reported that the Education Agency has also spent NOK 8 million on Ernst & Young headhunters and consultants.
