The “Love Hunt” farmer Trine Turtum wanted to retire – VG


NEW TV FARMER: Trine Turtum is the only female among this year’s four farmers in “Jakten på kjærligheten”. Photo: Fredrik Ulen / TV 2

Vågå farmer Trine Turtum (25) had never had a boyfriend or dated before joining the voucher program.

In fact, the entire participation was hanging by a fine thread, because Turtum got very cold just before the recording. A couple of the favorites from the card pile ended up retiring a few days before kickoff.

Turtum, who had been skeptical at first, became very discouraged.

– Then I was very sorry to have said yes. I really wanted to retire, the 25-year-old tells VG.

When he studied the rest of the pile of letters, he had serious doubts as to whether the right person was there.

– These weren’t types I would have imagined. I have to be that honest, says Turtum.

– I thought you couldn’t agree to this.

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The farmer warned about the uncertainty towards production, which presented proposals for solutions that could facilitate continuity.

– A whole team was ready to travel to my house in Vågå. This was his job and I realized I had to do it. But I didn’t feel good the last weekend before shooting.

– No, but the discouragement finally disappeared. When I met the suitors, I realized that they were good people, he says and laughs.

– It got calmer when I brought the gang to the farm. In advance, I thought it would be easy to send more free home, but it certainly wasn’t pleasant.

THE FRIENDS: Trine Turtum at home in Vågå surrounded by (left) Bjørn Tore Grøtheim, Petter Nordhaug, Robert Høyland, Olav Åsen Haugsgjerd and Jens-Aleksander Butter Simonsen. Photo: Fredrik Ulen / TV 2

The background to Turtum’s temptation to join in the first place is a bit special. A friend signed her up, and it wasn’t the first time.

A few years ago there was one other girlfriend who tried to get Turtum to try his luck on television.

– That time I said no. But this friend who tried it last time is no longer alive. He died this spring after suddenly falling ill, Turtum says.

The subject is painful and the TV farmer says she has thought a lot about her friend and how life suddenly changes. If there’s one thing he’s learned, it’s that you have to seize the opportunity when you have it. And so it has now.

– You never know. Suddenly you leave tomorrow. It is better to regret something you have done than something you have never done. Luckily I managed to tell him that it was registered.

UJÅLETE: Trine Turtum performs best with work and everyday wear. Here at home in Vågå. Photo: TV 2

The farmer sheds tears already in the first episode.

– I did not intend to sit and laugh on television, but a lot had happened. Also, I was very tired before the recording, and the sensations were on my skin.

Turtum has no answer as to why she hasn’t had a boyfriend before. That he has never been on a date is easier to explain.

– It’s not like we have dates here. I think it’s more of a big city phenomenon. Here, where I live, you go to a party and then what happens, or does not happen, he says and laughs out loud.

He has had a profile on Tinder, but he never met anyone.

– I’ve only shot a little here and there, but never made any serious attempts. Daily life is also very busy, with his own farm and work as a replacement for the barn. Get into one.

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The 25-year-old confides in television that, although she chatters easily with other people, it is something more when it comes to emotions.

– Then it becomes difficult immediately. Here too it was a very special setting. A lot of people say they get used to the camera along the way, but that certainly didn’t happen to me.

Turum handled Corona’s restrictions well. No test of intimate boundaries in front of the camera was not relevant.

– I was happy with that, laughs.

Receiving compliments is also demanding on the farmer, who prefers to thrive in clothing reminiscent of a cowboy outfit.

– Huff, yeah. Now I have my eyebrows. It will be exciting to see what the suitors say to the camera without me being there. For me, who am used to controlling my own day, it was also unusual for others to dominate me for so long.

Looking back (the article continues below the video):

Turtum dreads seeing herself on television and is excited about how she will be cut and portrayed.

– In my head I think this project is finished, but it is now, when others will see it, that it really begins.

TV 2: – It was attended

When asked how TV 2 dealt with Turtum’s wish to retire, Unn Grethe Berge, press officer for “Jakten på kjærligheten”, replies that it is something they have experience with from previous seasons.

– Trine had a good dialogue with the production. Both she and they agreed that it should complete, and Trine was well cared for on the way and after.

– Would it have been possible for the farmer to withdraw if he had not wanted to join anyway?

– In principle, you cannot withdraw if you have signed a contract. But if there are special reasons where production and TV 2 must take into account human considerations, it can be considered, Berge responds, adding that it is important for the channel that both farmers and free people dare to record things.

Do you remember this from last year?? The article continues below:

Turtum experimented so the favorites of the suitors withdrew. This is also something that TV 2 has experience with. The suitors are always in dialogue with the production before making a final decision.

– It has happened before the suitors have withdrawn just before the recording, but it only happens in rare cases, says Berge.

Here are photos of the other three farmers and their suitors:

CHECKE FARMER: Ronny Stokland from Klepp along with (left) Olivia Matningsdal, Borgny Berget, Ingunn Anette Smedstad, Karina Dalbak, Camilla Jensen Grinde, Gro Heidi Emilsen. Photo: Bo B. Randulff / TV 2

CHECKE FARMER: Christoffer Trøseid from Nord-Odal with (left) Ingri-Eline Vik, Ingrid Stabell, Lisbeth Dørmænen, Hanne Prestegård, Julie Myhrer, Emilie Sørensen Fotland, Line Wisth and Line Gjengedal Kverneng. Photo: Mats Sparby / TV 2

CHECKE FARMER: Andreas Lillevestre de Steinkjer with (left) Anne Marthe Liadal Høyem, Bodil Undersåker Skaslien, Sigrid Livik, Karen Bach, Karla Sende, Martine Eilertsen, Kristin Stoum and Hanna Larsen. Photo: Ole Martin Wold / TV 2

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