Selvaag Housing Manager Rolf Thorsen ends the day: – Rolf has failed to reach his potential


CEO Rolf Thorsen goes to Selvaag Bolig, just three weeks before the company releases its third quarter quarterly report.

“After an evaluation process, the board has concluded that Rolf Thorsen resigns today. Thorsen has led the company since May 2019,” the company wrote in a statement on Monday.

In the report, the chairman of the board, Olav H. Selvaag, writes that “Thorsen’s time at the company was shorter than we had planned. I would still like to thank you for your good work during the time we have worked together. “

– Rolf has not been able to reach his potential and, overall, things have not exactly worked out according to plan, board chairman Olav H. Selvaag said Monday morning.

He notes that the board made an overall assessment of the leadership change.

– After a conversation with Rolf, we came to the conclusion that this was the correct solution.

Thorsen confirms that he has received the resignation, but does not want to comment at this time.

Multiple shifts

Sverre Molvik immediately takes over as CEO. He has been with the company for 10 years, first as a portfolio manager and the last six as CFO. Previously, he was CEO of Skanska Bolig and regional director of Peab Bolig as. Molvik has a master’s degree in engineering and also an MBA.

– Molvik knows the company and the market very well. During his time with us, he has held senior management positions in both the core business and the strategic finance business. We are convinced that he will lead the future development of the company in a good way, says Olav H. Selvaag.

New deputy director

Øystein Klungland, who is currently Executive Vice President of Greater Oslo, will become Deputy Executive Director (COO). He has worked at Selvaag since 2005 and Selvaag Bolig 2010.

– The objective is that the role of Deputy Director General guarantees the continuous creation of high value in the development and implementation of projects. The position will also provide the company with an additional driving force in developing concepts to meet future housing needs. Society is changing, but Selvaag Bolig will continue to build housing for all target groups in a cost-effective way, says Selvaag.

Rolf Thorsen has a 12-month early retirement contract. Thorsen’s base salary is NOK 3,522 million.

Selvaag as is Selvaag Bolig’s largest shareholder and owns 53.3 percent of the company’s shares.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content may only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
