Lisa Montgomery Kills Pregnant Woman and Steals Baby – NRK Urix – Foreign Documentaries & News


Lisa Montgomery wanted a child, but couldn’t have hers. In 2004, he strangled Bobbie Jo Stinnett, who was eight months pregnant. He cut up the baby and kidnapped him.

Four years later, Montgomery was sentenced to death by a jury. It is now clear that the execution will take place in Terre Haute, Indiana, on December 8, according to Reuters.

She is then scheduled to receive a lethal poison injection, after losing all attempts to receive milder punishment, according to The New York Times.

Reintroduced the death penalty last year

Montgomery, 52, will be the first 67-year-old woman to be executed at the federal level by the United States government.


Lisa Montgomery was sentenced to death in 2008.

Photo: AP

As of July of this year, it had been about 17 years since someone was executed under federal auspices in the United States. Last year, the Trump administration decided that the practice should be reintroduced.

Montgomery will be the ninth person to be executed after the reintroduction of the death penalty last year. The first was Daniel Lewis Lee, who was executed this summer.

– The Ministry of Justice maintains the rule of law. We owe it to victims and their families to enforce the law our judicial system has provided, US Attorney William Barr said in a press release in July last year.

Changed poison formula

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly called for the widespread use of the death penalty, especially against drug dealers and shooters.

The reason federal death sentences were suspended in 2003 was the controversy over the poison that was used.

Previously, a combination of three different drugs was used, causing complications in several executions. However, since last summer, only one poison is used, pentobarbital.

This poison has been used statewide in more than 200 executions.

29 states in the United States practice the death penalty. Some states offer other methods such as the electric chair, poison gas, and firing squad, but only if requested by the convict.

Trump in a new hospital video

Last year, the Trump administration decided to reintroduce federal executions in the United States. In November, there are presidential elections in the United States. The president has the opportunity to pardon prisoners awaiting execution. However, the formal inauguration will not take place until January, that is, after Lisa Montgomery’s planned execution.

16 women executed since 1972

In April, more than 50 women were waiting to be executed, whether state or federal, according to statistics reported by The New York Times. Only 2 percent of all prisoners are on death row.

Since 1972, 16 women have been executed under the auspices of US states.

One of them was Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who killed six men in Florida. She was executed in 2002.

Daniel Lewis Lee

In July, Daniel Dewis Lee became the first to be executed under federal auspices in 17 years. Lewis was sentenced to death for participating in the 1996 murder of an eight-year-old girl and her parents.

Photo: Dan Pierce / AP

The last woman to be federally executed by the US government was Bonnie Heady, who was gassed to death in Missouri in 1953, according to the Death Penalty Information Center, writes the BBC.

Heady was sentenced to death after kidnapping and killing the son of a billionaire. The boy was six years old.

That same year, Ethel Rosenberg and her husband Julius were also executed using the electric chair, after being convicted of espionage in favor of the Soviet Union.

Should i buy a puppy

The American media write that Lisa Montgomery in the spring of 2004 told her husband and friends that she was pregnant. This despite being sterile, according to the verdict. Her husband was not aware of that.

Around the same time, Montgomery got in touch with Bobbie Jo Stinnet at a dog show. It is said that she expressed that she was interested in having a dog. So they must have had contact through the Internet.

Under the pretext of buying a puppy, Montgomery traveled from Kansas to his home in Stinnett, Missouri, according to the US Department of Justice.

There he strangled Stinnett and cut the baby. Then she called her partner and told him that she had given birth prematurely.


Police located Montgomery after examining Bobbie Jo Stinnett’s computer. DNA tests confirmed that the baby did not belong to Montgomery.

The baby, a girl, survived. According to the US media, he has not been shown any visible physical injuries as a result of the dramatic way he came into the world.

The girl was reunited with her father, Zeb Stinnett, according to US media. In 2005, a year after the disturbing incident, Zeb took care of his daughter.

Montgomery’s attorney, Kelly Henry, has repeatedly criticized the death sentence. She says her client has a brain injury and was abused as a child and had mental problems as a result, the newspaper writes.

The home of murder victim Bobbie Jo Stinnett

Bobbie Jo Stinett was found murdered at this home in Skidmore, Missouri, in 2004.

Photo: Stringer / usa / Reuters
