Frp, national meeting of Frp | Make a comeback


Ketil Solvik-Olsen has lofty goals for the party and believes that they should get the prime minister, in the long run.

GARDERMOEN (Nettavisen): Ketil Solvik-Olsen will return to the Progress Party (Frp).

– Now I hope to be elected to the central board this weekend, answers Nettavisen.

See the interview with Solvik-Olsen at the top of the box!

In January, the FRP left the government and described it as “gray and boring”.

Solvik-Olsen, who resigned as Minister of Transport and Communications on August 30, 2018, believes that the FRP made a lot of progress while in government, and hopes that they will soon return to the halls of power.

Also read: Sylvi Listhaug: – Never in the world if I miss returning to the Liberal Party and KrF

– Where do you think Frp is in a year?

– If we make a good decision, I hope that we will return to the government, preferably in collaboration with the Conservatives. We did a lot of good when we governed with the Conservatives, but in some cases we were stopped by the parliamentary majority, Solvik-Olsen Nettavisen responds.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Gardermoen, NORWAY 20201017. Party leader Siv Jensen and Ketil Solvik-Olsen during the national meeting of the Progress Party in Gardermoen.

REPRESENTATIVE: There was a smile and a laugh during the break right after Jensen reprimanded Solvik-Olsen in his speech at the national assembly because he stated that the FRP should speak out more on behalf of immigration issues.
Photo: Berit Roald (NTB)

– It was a majority that stopped the toll reform that I introduced in 2015, which would have resulted in large toll cuts, he adds.

Also read: This is how Ketil Solvik-Olsen responds to Siv Jensen’s reprimand

– Only with conservatives

– Time will tell, but I want to influence what we are doing, and then sitting in government with a clear FRP stamp on the government platform is a clear goal.

– Only with the conservatives?

– I think we are closer to each other and that it showed a completely different dynamic and power of action than some previous governments have achieved, he says – and he is aware that it means significant opposition in the Storting.

Also read: Siv Jensen rebuked a party colleague from the rostrum: his name is Sverte-Siv

– FRP should get the prime minister – long term

– It means we have to fight at the Storting every time, but I think the voters showed that they would rather see Frp in action at the Storting, even if we lose sometimes, than for everything to happen quietly and calmly and you don’t. know completely if Frp has lost the battle or not.

Solvik-Olsen won’t explain how much support Frp must get to be “good enough.”

– But in the long run, we should aspire to be the biggest party and aspire to sit down with the Prime Minister of Norway! We have good politics, trained people and we have shown that we are capable of governing, he says.

– Siv as prime minister – or you …?

– As long as she is the leader of our party, it is natural for her to be, she says.

See the interview with Siv Jensen here:
