– The situation was completely cursed – VG


GRAY: Wiktoria Rønning couldn’t hold back tears when host Mads Hansen recounted what would happen as a result of the “drunken party” scandal on “Farmen”. Tears also pressed down when Nils Kvalvik “took one for the team” and went home. Photo: TV 2

Host Mads Hansen (36) took a hard line with the “Farmen” contestants and delivered a message that made them cry.

On Tuesday, it became known that the production of “Farm” was closed for 24 hours after the participant Raymond Røskeland (36) in the middle of the day got drunk on the farm for television recordings, and after six participants the night Earlier they had been in two separate cabins in Close to. There they consumed alcohol and food, borrowed phones and called home.

A total of seven participants are said to have participated in the illegalities, which TV 2 takes very seriously in light of the ongoing corona pandemic.

TV 2 was quick to report that the violations would have consequences, but said nothing about the consequences in question. On Wednesday night’s episode, however, viewers got the answer.

Suddenly, host Mads Hansen (36) entered the farm. Hansen didn’t seem particularly happy and informed the participants that everyone should gather by the water. There he took a very hard line with them.

Put this on? Here, Mads Hansen settles for “Farmen” contestants:

– The adventure games have been canceled, he said, before explaining what happened and asked everyone involved in the illegalities to raise their hands.

He then announced that this had consequences and that one of the seven culprits had to leave the farm the same day. The participants had to find a competition in which to fight.

– The four of us who hadn’t done anything moved aside for the others to decide. Wiktoria (Rønning, 22, journal. Note) began to cry, and then it was probably Daniel (Viem Årdal, 30, journal.anm.) Who asked if anyone wanted to retire, says Karianne Vilde Wølner (26) to VG.

NOT PREPARED: Wiktoria Rønning reacted strongly when Nils Kvalvik decided to leave ‘The Farm’. Kjetil Kirk, like Rønning, was involved in the rapes that had taken place. Photo: Espen Solli

Then it got pretty quiet, before Nils Kvalvik (39), one of the seven who were part of the illegalities, spoke up and said that he could take one “for the team” and go home.

– Some started crying, while others thought it was unfair. It became quite silent. I felt a bit of my own feelings and what had happened to my uncle. As I have said before, everything happens with a sense. And when Mads said what he said, I thought maybe I should put the years. He wanted to give the others a chance to continue, says Kvalvik, who a few days earlier had received the death message inside the farm.

Wiktoria Rønning burst into tears during the session, and VG does not hide from her the fact that what she reacted to the most was that the “drunken party” did not end in collective punishment, which should only have consequences for one person.

– And if there was one he didn’t want to travel to, it was Nils. When Mads said what he said, there were six people behind me that I love and I could definitely smoke myself. The situation was absolutely good. As if we weren’t feeling good enough before, after making sure production dropped for 24 hours. It was a mental strain, because I had such a bad conscience and I regretted everything, he admits.

She was not present at the time the host entered the courtyard, but she heard people yelling.

– People shouted that we had to come and that Mads was cursed. I thought he was probably just kidding, but so fast that he wasn’t. Then the message came and I completely broke down. What was supposed to be fun got very serious.

But she wasn’t the only one to shed tears when it became clear that Kvalvik decided to bear the brunt of the other six criminals.

He raised his hands: Mads Hansen asked those who had been involved in the illegalities within “Farmen” to stretch an arm in the air. That’s what seven of them did. Photo: TV 2

– I reacted very strongly, I was very sorry. I cried and cried and cried. Nils was very close to me, especially after the death he experienced. We had a lot to do with each other. It was very hard with such an abrupt and fast goodbye. He was also so important to the group, a great figure for us there, says priest Thor Haavik (26) to VG.

FAREWELLS: Nils Kvalvik made a small appeal to the participants before packing their things and going home from “The Farm”. Photo: TV 2

Nils Kvalvik confirms that his good friend took the news very seriously.

– I spoke with Thor that same morning and told him that I would cheer him on when he is in the final. Then he said, “Why do you say that?” You have to be in the final, you and »? So I said, “No, I don’t think so.” Then Thor started crying. So when that happened, it was probably just a sign that I was going to retire. But others have appreciated that I have worn this, I have heard it many times after. Is hot.

ARG: Host Mads Hansen was not happy when he suddenly appeared on the farm “Farmen” on Wednesday’s episode. Photo: TV 2

VG has also been in contact with host Mads Hansen, who believes that the contestants knew little to nothing that their actions would have such consequences.

– This happened about a day after production had started again. They had no idea that he was coming, because they know what days I usually arrive. They quickly realized that this was not going to be pleasant. I think they just thought they had received a warning, and that production was now back to normal, he says.

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