Giant audience attracted: – Feeling powerful


SANFORD, FLORIDA (Dagbladet): The Air Force One presidential jet runs parked just a few hundred yards from the several thousand spectators.

The White House had just announced that Trump’s latest coronation test was negative and the president could take the stage before a very enthusiastic audience. There were many thousands of them and most did not have masks.

– I feel so powerful. I walk in there and kiss everyone in the audience. That is applause. I kiss the boys and the beautiful women. All the world. I just give everyone a big thick kiss! says Trump.

THOUSANDS: Many thousands gathered during the election campaign meeting. Photo: AP Photo / Evan Vucci / NTB
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At home

It’s his big comeback in the election campaign and the first time he’s held a big public meeting in two weeks. A debate in which Biden was declared the winner and a corona diagnosis has dramatically weakened the president in polls ever since.

“When Trump wins the election, everyone will remove their bandages, so we can see the joy on their faces!”

FLORIDA: Hundreds of people wait hours for President Donald Trump to speak at an election rally in Florida. – Trump is fantastic, believe many of those present. Video: Trym Mogen / Dagbladet
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Congressman Matt Gaetz and the rest of the activists set the stage for Donald Trump with speeches on God, antisocialism and the country. It was the grand comeback of the president’s election campaign in Sanford, Florida, on Tuesday night.

– Florida is my home state. This is my official return to the election campaign. Oh I like Florida, Trump said when he took the stage shortly before 1 p.m.

I TRAIN: Donald Trump was energetic in Sanford, Florida. Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst / NTB
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Heavily criticized

Events with many thousands of voters crowded outdoors at an airport have been heavily criticized. White House infection control expert Anthony Fauci is among the critics. Yet Trump praised the masses.

– For a fantastic group of people. These are the real polls. He found out about this a day ago, Biden manages to gather 30 people in a circle, says Trump.

The president boarded the Air Force One presidential plane in rainy Maryland Monday night. He was surrounded by agents and advisers in face masks, but even did without them.

The return turns the city upside down

The return turns the city upside down

The afternoon sun had just set when he took the stage in Florida.

– I had a very nice flight. I will never change, says Trump.

The Trump campaign did not yet have an estimate of the number of people who may have been in attendance at the event Tuesday night, but there may be a five-digit number of people in attendance.

I am immune

The president also spoke about his own corona treatment, which is controversial. He received an experimental treatment of antibodies, Remdesivir and dexamethasone. Trump reiterated that he sees the treatment as a “cure.”

In Florida, more than 15,000 people have died in the pandemic, more than 750,000 people have been infected. However, the state has started a massive reopening these days. Trump praised that decision.

– Some states have a blockade. There is a higher rate of suicide, alcohol and drugs. We can not do that. Florida is open to the public. You must remember: The cure cannot be worse than the disease. If you don’t feel well going out, stay home. I passed it and now they say I am immune, says the president.

- It looks very bad

– It looks very bad

– I don’t have to be locked in the basement, and I wouldn’t let that happen.

Trump’s claim that he is “immune” is highly controversial, including several verified covid-19 reinfections.


He also managed to mention Christian Tybring-Gjedde’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize during the hour-long speech.

HARD OUT: Minutes before Donald Trump took the stage in Florida before his first election campaign meeting after crown disease, Joe Biden released this campaign video.
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– Ahh. Nobel Peace Prize. We’ll have a great time, I told Melania. But on the news, they talk about the weather. They don’t even mention the Peace Prize. Obama got it and they don’t even know why, he says.

Trump’s election rally in Sanford Tuesday night was the first stop in a busy week that takes him to Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina and Wisconsin. There are three weeks left until the November 3 election, and Trump now seems excited to rally as many as possible.

– We will keep winning, winning, winning!
