Ikea drops meat into meatballs


– We have introduced something that we have called a planter, which is completely vegan. It should taste exactly like traditional meatball and should be a replacement for meatball, says Gudrun Lægreid, press contact at Ikea Norway, to Dagbladet.

The new meatballs are a plant-based version of the popular meatballs that Ikea says should taste and look completely like meatballs.

– This is a plant bowl for the meat lover, the intention is not to taste any difference. Of those who have already tried them, most say they don’t notice any difference, says Lægreid.

Horse meat found in Ikea meatballs

Horse meat found in Ikea meatballs

It will be climate neutral

Ikea claims that the change from the traditional meatball is a step on the road to climate neutrality.

– The plant bowl has a smaller climate footprint than the meat bowl, Lægreid tells Dagbladet.

Ikea isn’t phasing out the traditional meatball yet, but will eventually and gradually switch to offering just the plant balls eventually. The goal is for meatballs to be replaced by 2030.

Already on the menu

The plant balls already arrived on Monday at Ikea restaurants in the country. The bowls are also available on the freezer counter in department stores.

The new bowls have yet to be given a Norwegian name, but in English they are called plant balls, plant balls and are described as “a plant ball for meat lovers.”

The new plant balls are made from protein from peas, potatoes, onions, wheat and apple.

– These will not be like veggie buns, which should taste like the veggies they are made from, but should be a bargain for those who want meaty flavor and consistency, who want to make more sustainable choices.

Ikea surprises constantly and constantly. When the corona pandemic led to department stores around the world having to close earlier this year, Ikea also shared the so far secret recipe for its famous meatballs.
