– I was hoping that we would part as good friends – VG


GRORUD (VG) Jan Bøhler gives a press conference in Grorud after the shocking transition to the Center Party.

Labor Party representative Jan Bøhler wrote on Facebook Thursday morning that he had said yes to first place on Oslo Sp’s parliamentary list in 2021. Reactions have been strong among several of his former party colleagues in the Labor Party.

Among other things, they called him a “fucking traitor.”

– I was hoping that we would part as good friends. It is just for me today and I wish you the best of luck to improve, move forward and develop your inner life in a more positive way. So I hope they can think too – there may be a reason
parting as friends? We will work on the same issues, Bøhler replied when he was introduced at the press conference.

– I have nothing to complain about, I’m not bitter.

-I am still a social democrat, answered VG’s question if he still defines himself as such.

He believes that the Center Party is also a social democratic party.

Background: dissatisfied Jan Bøhler does not stand for re-election in the Storting

Vedum, on the other hand, could not answer yes or no to whether the Center Party is a social democratic party.

– These are the issues that matter. Together we will become a force.

Bøhler tells VG that several of his supporters have suggested that the Center Party may be an alternative.

– I have become more and more an ombud, and I will continue with that in Sp. Trygve has said that I can work like this in the Center Party.

On Thursday, Bøhler was in place with new party comrades.

– Since I said in July that it was not relevant to run for Oslo AP, there are many who have supported me and contacted me that I should continue. They’ve said things that I really appreciate, that they need someone they recognize who lives where they live and understands what the areas are all about, especially here in East Oslo.

He says Sp was the only party that expressed positive interest when it came out in July and said parties should emphasize contact with outsiders.

– I was not well received in my own match, and I have not received many comments from other matches.

– I have no reason to say anything negative about my old party, I thank you for your cooperation and I wish you the best of luck. I am relieved and happy today. It was a difficult decision, but at the same time I am optimistic when it comes to raising these issues.

Jan Bøhler has been with the Storting since 2005. In July, he wrote on Facebook that he did not want to be re-elected to the Storting. Among other things, he justified it by saying that he did not want to be “the object of infighting and anonymous operations.”

At the press conference, he appears alongside, among others, Center Party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.

– The good thing is his ability to be close to people in practice, said the SP leader at the press conference.

– Our ideal as elected representatives is to be close to the people in practice, not just in speeches. What I hope to work so closely with Jan is the view that we, as politicians, must promote ordinary workers.

Vegar Varli, chairman of the nominating committee, was also at the press conference.

– I am proud to be able to present a unanimous proposal to the electoral list of the Storting.

On Saturday, October 31, the nominating committee will give its recommendation.

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